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Commercial Origami

Posted: November 12th, 2003, 5:04 pm
by saj
You may remember from a post a while back that I bumped into a artoz rep that was interested in me making some Origami stuff for her.

She rang me today and we are meeting up tommorow to talk about the possibility of having 100 pieces done in time for January! I have to take along a few examples, so this is what I'll be folding tonight;

Rhino (Edwin Corrie)
Racoon (Fumiaki Kawakata)
Tiger (John Montroll)
Murex Shell (Robert Lang)
Lion (P D Tuyen)
Zebra (John Montroll)
Giraffe (John Montroll and another by Nishikawa)
Lion (John Montroll)
Apotosaurus (Nishikawa)
Stegosaurus (John Montroll)
Pteranodon (Fumiaki Kawahata)
Rose (Kawasaki)
Butterfly (Nick Robinson and La Fosse)
Horse (Komatsu)

They're mainly interested in animals, I think they need them for a trade show or something happening in January.

I was thinking of some Elephant models, but I just dont know which one to fold! I know people have recommended Montroll's, but I just don't know! I am tempted by Brill's, however I find that I can never fold that one properly!

Please suggest some other animal models please, expecially some of your favourite models / models that you've had experience with!


Posted: November 12th, 2003, 9:03 pm
I would recommend Montroll's elephants and maybe Alan Gorgeot's from the OUSA Convention '89.
Another thing, I personally think Van Goubergen's lion is better than Montroll's.
Also, I would suggest a panda, primate, squirrel, and rabbit of some sort.
It is certainly a good collection as it is.

P.S. P D Tuyen???

Posted: November 12th, 2003, 9:52 pm
by saj

erm what is the elephant by Alan Gorgeot? I don't have that model, would it be possible for you to email that to me please?

What is the lion by Van Goubergen? I have never come across it, and I don't have any of the books it appears in (I checked the Model database).

Maybe I'll do Komatsu's squirrel, and a rabbit.

I'll let you know how it goes tommorow!


Posted: November 13th, 2003, 7:34 am
by stuckie27
i would fold montroll's zebra, and perhaps the giraffe.

Turtle by Roamin Chevrier

Ra-Noshi by David Derudas

A dolphin or a shark by montroll?

Maybe an insect?

oh good luck and happy folding by the way,
Lion by Herman Van Goubergen
Diagrams in BOS Magazine #128

Posted: November 13th, 2003, 9:59 pm
by saj
Yeah the meeting went quite well, they're interested in a few larger models and 1000 smaller models to send out to clients.

I think I will be folding 100 Nick Robinson Butterflies. :shock:


PS - And I get to have loads of elephant hide paper! :wink:

Posted: November 16th, 2003, 12:39 am
by Joe the white
Wow, that sounds really nice :D ! although 1000 models is alot of folding. :? How much exactly is "loads"?