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Posted: December 28th, 2008, 8:33 pm
by ori_dragon3
the reason is that I am still utterly confused by the fact that I can only see the great square of Pegasus... well, never. I've only really been able to see west-north-east constellations, and never south, because there is a hedge. But it is clear tonight, so I might have a go at looking for it.

and it was moderately clear last night, so I went to see Orion...
I saw M42! Naked eye!

I'll point my 'Scope at it tonight :wink:

wow, 5 dwarf planets! In order outwards from the Sun:

Posted: December 30th, 2008, 11:05 am
by ori_dragon3
Darn, it Clouded over both days....

ah, well, 2009 looks like a good year! 5 Eclipses!
( 3 of Moon, 2 of Sun)

Posted: December 30th, 2008, 1:13 pm
by OrigamiGianluca
ori_dragon3 wrote:Darn, it Clouded over both days....
...also here... :(

Will one of these 5 eclipses be full (or almost)?

Posted: December 31st, 2008, 1:46 pm
by ori_dragon3
eerr.. I didn't check really, because it was in a Book which I didn't buy, so all I remember is one Solar Eclipse is a Annular one. The Other is the 'Eclipse of the century' and anyone in Thailand or so can see it.

Makemake is pronounced ma-ke-ma-ke by the way.

Posted: December 31st, 2008, 1:56 pm
by OrigamiGianluca
I've just checked.
It will be on next July 22nd and it will be full over China and India.

Posted: January 1st, 2009, 12:49 pm
by ori_dragon3
I found a Image of where we are in the Sky from Alpha Centauri. ... pCenA1.png

We are Alpha Cassiopeia!

and also some info about that Sirius A & B may be part of the Sirius Supercluster. ... percluster

it may be joined with:

Beta Aurigae ( Auriga)(Menkanlinan)
Alpha Coronae Borealis ( Corona Borealis)( Alphecca/ Alpheta)
Beta Crateris( Crater)(Alkes)
Beta Eridani ( Eridanus )( Cursa/ Dhalim)
Beta Serpentis( Serpens)( Chow)
( lot's of Beta's ( β ))
( note: these stars are only Proposed)

And I found a Picture of Formalhaut b. ... anet_b.jpg

And Beta Pictoris b ... otated.jpg

And HR 8799's System ... _photo.jpg

Posted: January 3rd, 2009, 1:33 am
by unknownfolder
Although I was not looking for this, on a long road trip I saw a dropping star upon waking up from a little nap. That was my second sighting of one.

Posted: January 3rd, 2009, 11:13 am
by ori_dragon3
wow! Iv'e yet to be sure if i have seen one that isn't in a Meteor shower, but two months ago I saw a arcing point of light low in the Horizon.

Last Night was clear!

yay! in the 2060's Halley's Comet is coming back! I really want to see a Comet! I think I should start off with a earlier one... like Swift-Tuttle?

Posted: January 21st, 2009, 5:27 pm
by ori_dragon3
Found some Pictures from December:




its Jupiter and Venus ( Venus is brighter)


Posted: February 7th, 2009, 10:58 am
by ori_dragon3
Well, last night it was clear, so I went outside with my Telescope. I placed it on our snowy table and I managed to point it at Venus and the Orion Nebula, which i saw about 10 stars in. however, when I pointed it at Rigel, Sirius and Castor, not much came up. I couldn't really tell which star was the right one. I chose these Stars because they are all Binary Stars. I would have Tried the 'Archid'( Eta Cassiopeiae) double but I couldn't for a reason I will explain.The reason is that the Telescope can only tilt up to about 90 degrees, so the Archid ( at around 170 Degrees) was way too high. so I looked up, and looked at Taurus ( The Bull). I stared at the 'V' shape of the head of Taurus. I then noticed, that when I looked at the Star Down from Aldebaran, that it was a double. I looked up and found that the stars are Theta 1 and Theta 2 Tauri, with the Traditional name of Phaeo and Phaesela ( Along those lines), making it the Second ( apparent binary) I have seen with my Eyes ( after Mizar and Alcor) and the First Proven Binary I have Seen with my eyes ( Because it is uncertain if Mizar and Alcor are truely related). And if you haven't noticed, this was about Binary Stars.

Posted: February 12th, 2009, 5:17 pm
by ori_dragon3
Just announcing, I will be on Holiday for 2 weeks from Friday 13th to Friday 27th.I will be going to japan. I will post some pictures here, even if they aren't Astronomy related.

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 10:44 am
by ori_dragon3
Well, I am Here in Japan! I am in Kyoto at the Moment, In a Hotel. Everyone is Probably asleep at the Time I post this, but here it is 18:40. I have lots of Pictures :D Japanese keyboards are confusing. well, Cya Guys!

Posted: February 27th, 2009, 3:10 am
by notefolds
Great to see there are some fellow astronomers on the board! Has anyone looked at the comet Lulin? I looked at it last night, it was just east of Saturn. I wasn't able to get a clear picture though, so I will try again tonight.

In the meantime, here is a photo I took of the moon.


Posted: February 28th, 2009, 11:43 am
by ori_dragon3

Japan was GREAATTTTT!! I got many dozens of pictures to show, but they need producing.

I also got a few Origami books from Origami House:

-Tanteidan Convention book 13

-Tanteidan Convention book 14

- Origami Insects II

and also, by chance from a Book Shop:

- Genuine Origami


It's nice to see another Astronomer here too! Notefolds, Ill try to look at Comet Lulin soon, I haven't seen a Comet or Asteroid yet, But Towards Leo's position right now there is Light pollution so I can only see to Gamma Leonis ( Algieba ) from outside and Beta Leonis ( Denebola ) from inside ( the house). still, I'll give it a shot when it passes through Gemini ( Cancer is too faint). It seems like you got that Information from The Sky At Night Magazine, Notefolds. Did you?

Anyway, I've come up with a Theory of why the Solar System appears to be so ' Strange' compared to many other Exo-planetary systems. The theory is quite long so i won't write it right now, but it involves The Sun being a Double star, The Hills Cloud of Comets, Stellar Winds, and Comparisons to the 55 Cancri system.

I'll get the pictures up soon!( of Japan )

P.S Notefolds, Lulin will go close to Regulus at the 29th Feb-1st Mar ( I Might look then )

Posted: March 2nd, 2009, 2:01 pm
by InsomniacFolder
I checked the comet in my *" Mak on saturday. Quite fuzzy, couldn't resolve it to be green as everyone says though. Looked bluish to me - I did not have any alternative plossl eyepieces or filters with me to improve the resolution though.

You could just about make it out with the naked eye at one point, though I had to climb to the top of a dark hill, and it wasn't really worth the effort.