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Posted: February 27th, 2011, 6:50 am
by kevin89
wow. I leave for half a day and get 4 new responses :D

Pop pop: Yes! You should totaly read it! I haven't read it myself (because that would mean buying the books which means spending money :( ) But I've watched the anime. I also have been rewatching some episodes because I found out that netflix has all the episodes (my family just signed up), but mostly the funny ones. :D

Just to let anyone else know about it and provide a more in depth summary, this is Soul Eater:
Soul Eater is about three teams at the Death Weapon Meister Acadamy (DWMA). At the acadamy, each team has one person who wields the weapon who is called a meister. Each meister wields one or two weapons. Each weapon is a person who can transform into a weapon, usually only one but a couple weapons (like Tsubaki) can transform into multiple weapons. The purpose of DWMA is to prevent any kishins (thats plural, btw) from being created. When someone eats human souls, they turn into a kishin egg. It is during this stage that the students at the acadamy are sent to kill them, before they become a kishin, which are very powerful. You could say they are like Volde-... I mean he-who-must-not-be-named to Dumbledore. But the story follows the three teams, their struggles and adventures and whatnot as they become the three best teams (I'm not quite sure about that last part).

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 8:25 am
by Iwvi
I have seen some episodes of the anime, and played a videogame, but now i will read the manga :D

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 10:17 pm
by Grace
well kevin89, that's the premise for the anime, but the manga is a little different.

Everything's the same except for the "kishin eggs." There's only 1 kishin in the manga and the rest are just evil dudes with rotten souls.

Posted: February 27th, 2011, 11:35 pm
by kevin89
Grace wrote:Everything's the same except for the "kishin eggs." There's only 1 kishin in the manga and the rest are just evil dudes with rotten souls.
What do you mean? In the anime, there is only one kishin, Asura. The rest are evil, as you mentioned, but they can become a kishin if they continue eating human souls. At least, thats how it is in the anime. But that is one thing that kind of confused me. They acted like the demons were just evil and strong, then "evolved" into a kishin. But because they are eating souls, wouldn't they slowly get stronger with each soul?

Posted: February 28th, 2011, 1:40 am
by Grace
Yeah, they changed that bit to make the anime seem more complete, but it ended up being confusing instead.

In the manga none of the bad guys actually eat human souls, well maybe one or two but certainly not all of them.

Posted: March 1st, 2011, 8:13 pm
by Metangas
Erm guys. Sorry to interrupt, but the 99 souls on the Death Scythes path are human... the "Nu human soulz" part is wrong. However, only non-innocent souls are allowed to eaten, as innocent ones, first of all are innocent, second of all make you go mad and thereby make you a kishin. I could find a reference in the manga if you'd like, but I can't remember the actual chapter by heart.

Posted: March 2nd, 2011, 2:01 am
by Grace
Thanks for the clarification!

But despite all this discussion, the moral is it's really good and everyone should go check it out if you haven't. I like the manga better, especially for its beutifully stylized art, but if all you can get is the anime that's really good too.

Posted: March 3rd, 2011, 2:52 am
by kevin89
Yes, thank you for the clarification.

I'll have to see if any of my friends have any of the books and will let me borrow it. But I'm not that good at reading manga :( The order of the panels often confuses me. Like if there is one large square on the left side of the page, and there are two squares on top of each other on the right side... (and yes, I do know that it is read from left to right). I think it is also because I have a hard time visualizing what happens between each panel, so it seems choppy and hard to follow. But then again, I've only read one manga and that was Black Butler.

Posted: March 3rd, 2011, 8:20 pm
by Grace
Black butler is good too! And you meant right to left, right?

Basically start at the top right, go left, then go down. If it looks like this:

Then still start at the top right, read any words in the top portion of the left panel, then move to the bottom right, then back to the left panel at the bottom. Usually a panel is big like that because it relates to both of the small panels.

Posted: March 5th, 2011, 2:37 am
by kevin89
Yes, I did mean right to left :oops:

Ok. Thanks for clearing it up for me :) But I just seem to have a hard time getting into them. I guess I just prefer novels...

Re: Soul Eater

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 8:59 pm
by kevin89
Speaking of Black Butler, I found the anime on netflix and just started watching it :D And its really close to the book, so far.