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Posted: August 25th, 2007, 10:17 pm
by Jonnycakes
I just started college at the University of Akron as a freshman music ed major (dang it sucks being a freshman again :( ). Classes start on Monday, but we just finished band camp so I am pretty much through for the weekend...there is a new director that everyone hates and we have been rehearsing 9+ hours a day, most of which is marching (that being in very hot conditions e.g. 90 degrees 80% humidity).

But it has been fun (well, certainly worth it at least). It is kinda crappy not really knowing anybody, but band certainly helps and also I am rooming with my best friend. Origami has kinda been put on hold, but hopefully I will soon finish my beta version of Ichigo Kurasaki from Bleach. Practicing for auditions tomorrow comes first though :lol: .

Posted: August 27th, 2007, 11:05 pm
by LuvOrigami
Well, I like to fold pretty much all the time. I hope to start drawing too. I'm going to start another year of school soon, so that'll be fun, because I like to fold during class. I like to fold a lot of modulars -- polyhedron and the ones with the triangles. Also, in my spare time, I like to do advanced math -- don't ask me why, I guess I like math because I'm good at it. People keep asking me how I can make so many things and still get super high marks. (My overall in this last school year was 94).

Well, I'm still doing modulars like I said before, but now I'm trying to make origami flowers and I'm trying a lot of the models that I've seen on the forum here (unfortunately, they've been kinda hard and I don't even have the right paper -- but don't worry, I won't give up!)


Posted: September 8th, 2007, 10:44 am
by maarten_smit
wake up, fold, go to school, have a break, fold, go to school again, sleep during biology (dreaming that i can make a bahamut), wake up, go home, fold, eat, fold, fold, go to sleep

Posted: September 8th, 2007, 11:28 am
by Galif
Bahamut is a relatively easy model: it just takes time for you to complete it. But folding the wings was a real pain =(!


When I'm not taking my classes, I'm either using the PC or going out with friends, usually to play in dance machines (Pump It Up, not DDR!). If I have NOTHING ELSE to do, and I'm really bored, I fold.

Ok, I'm lazy xD!

Posted: October 8th, 2007, 11:45 pm
by Foxglove
An average weekday consists of waking up at 7 o'clock and going to school till 3 o'clock. Then I pump iron with some of my friends in the weight room. Afterwards I go home eat lots of food, study and do homework, check the forums of course, and maybe fold some if I have the time. However, during soccer and lacrosse season, I usually have no time to fold since I pass out after doing homework.

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 12:05 am
by quesoonfire
I wake up at 6:30, go to school, go to crosscountry or track and field practice, go home, do homework, fold some origami go on the internet, and sometimes watch a show on tv or do something else.

Posted: October 28th, 2007, 1:36 pm
by XeniX
I get up at 8am, gotta get to work for 9, usually I get breakfast around 11am, then back to work until 9pm. Then I go home eat some food, watch tv, fold/do whatever until about 4am.. When I "sleep".. Hehe, my life sucks.

Posted: November 11th, 2007, 11:56 am
by araknoid
3/7: wake up at 5, work and fold till 14, collapse onto myself at 16, stay with family from 18 till 24, then change myself into kabalik and fight evil in the streets till 3

other 3/7: wake up at 7, stay with family till 14, work and fold till 23, hang out with the justified league of ancients in our tesseract headquarters till 3.

1/7: freedom ahah

sometimes (1/21) i meet with friends for a paranoia rpg evening. we are currently on the yellow clearance black box blues :)

ok aside from superhero career it's all true, i have so much time to kill and fold at work so that's why i prefer complex models i guess


Posted: December 28th, 2007, 5:20 pm
by itashiman
my life so far was depressing but life life everyday is crazy sick.

on school days i wake up at 6:45 AM then i go to school walking at 7:30
then ya life is just done
although i dont want to brag but ill say it any way please dont take me as a bragger okay but still i play guitar a little piano and violin

violin for 8? years somewhere around that but still a bit "ehh-ish"

Posted: January 2nd, 2008, 2:09 pm
by foldymole
I have been:

A graphic designer
to Jamaica
in Love
doing origami for 6 months

I am Currently:
Looking for work
In love
Not homeless
doing origami

That's me really.


Posted: January 2nd, 2008, 6:21 pm
by Jonnycakes
I got my wisdom teeth out 2 days after Christmas and have been recovering since. It sucks having stitches in your mouth...Since the surgery I have been pretty much sitting around. I have been playing tons of video games to pass the time (beat Mario Galaxy :lol: ) and am looking forward to eating solid food again.

Posted: January 3rd, 2008, 9:10 am
by Trekker_1983
I graduated from law faculty almost a year ago and currently working as a corporate legal...
Then I realized that it's not my field because I'm interested more in technology or animals..

Working in office is really stressful for me..
Trapped with silly daily routines like waking up early in the morning, tonnes of papers, And everytime I go to work and get back from work I have to deal with severe traffic jams..