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Posted: November 23rd, 2010, 5:38 am
by Falcifer
It's interesting to see the same arguments being used that always come up when someone asks "PC or Mac".

Viruses don't automatically appear on Windows-based PCs, it comes down to the user. I've used Windows for over a decade and never had a virus, but then I'm careful about the sites I visit, the things I download, the links I click and the things that I put in the computer. I have a decent firewall, whose warnings I actually read and evaluate, and I used anti-virus software.

I've never had a serious problem with my computer crashing. I had recently because of some problems with a TV tuner card, but that was a hardware problem.
Even when I used Windows Me, I never had huge problems. Obviously, I've had computer trouble, but I'd be very surprised by anyone who hasn't had some sort of computer trouble, even with a Mac or with Linux.

I've also used Linux (or GNU/Linux if you prefer), which took a little getting used to. If I didn't use Photoshop, and didn't play games, I would happily use Linux all the time, but at the moment, the GIMP isn't quite at the point where I'm willing to ditch Photoshop altogether.

As for a Mac's ability to outperform a Windows PC, I think that's largely down to the hardware. Granted, the integrated media software that Mac has is excellent, and facilitates productivity, but Macs also come pre-packed with pretty high-end hardware, compared to most PCs. Which accounts for the higher cost.
If I were to buy a Windows PC of the same specifications, I don't think that Photoshop would be noticeably different between the platforms.
But, as far as I know (and I could be wrong), the hardware available for Macs is limited. I'm sure there's plenty of great hardware available, but the Mac OS has the improved security and stability because it's made for a limited range of hardware, whereas the Windows OS is made for a much larger range of hardware, which is sometimes the cause of problems, but it does make Windows PCs more accessible - you don't have to spend a huge amount of money to get a Windows PC, which can do more than most people will need.

Since the way in which everybody uses their computer will be different, people are going to have different preferences.
If I want to play the latest games, I'll use a Windows PC.
If I want to do photo/video/audio editing, I'll use a Mac.
If I don't want to do either, but want a system that's secure, stable and powerful, I'll use Linux. It's much more customizable, too, and depending on your level of proficiency, you can install an operating system which is highly optimized for your hardware.

Aside from games, there isn't anything I can do with Windows that I can't do with Linux. And if the GIMP ever gets some of the more advanced features of Photoshop (adjustment layers being the main example), I might consider ditching Windows. Also, it's been a while since I last used it, but I really dislike the separate windows that it has/had.

I've never actually used a Mac, but I do know that they're preferred by most people who edit audio, photos and/or video (I know a wedding videographer who uses one for those tasks). And the nature of the software is appealing, but it's not something that most people are going to use on a day-to-day basis, so it's hardly worth mentioning as an argument for why Macs are better than PCs. They're also too expensive for most people; most people don't need the power of the hardware that you get with Macs.
With gaming on the PC; there are always video game consoles, which are designed specifically for gaming, so anyone with a Mac could easily go out and buy one of those for gaming.

A million dollar sports car is not going to be any use to a family who need space for children, pets and shopping, and similarly a family car isn't going to be any use to a racing driver.
A Mac is "better" if you need the power of the hardware. And the media-editing software is arguably better than what's available for Windows.
A PC is "better" if you don't need all that power; if you just want a computer for browsing the internet, using email, doing homework/writing reports, basically anything that doesn't rely on extreme CPU and graphics power.

Besides, I can spray my PC white and paint an Apple logo on the side for much less money than acually buying a Mac. That's the only reason people buy Macs anyway, isn't it?

Posted: March 6th, 2011, 3:59 am
by the modern einstein
that is the longest post I have ever seen :shock:
by the way, PC is way better- more programs, cheaper to run, works with just about any application, is better to hack internet with, if you get powershell. Easier to modify, makers are less worried if you modify anything, and will not do anything to you. XP is way easier to work with- mac is not intuitive. core operating system for windows is less complex, and you can fix it more easily, if it does happen to crash. the list goes on and on.

Posted: March 8th, 2011, 6:49 pm
by Adam
Falcifer wrote:Macs also come pre-packed with pretty high-end hardware, compared to most PCs. Which accounts for the higher cost.
If only that were true. Sure, the hardware in Macs is generally good, but it's not the best hardware out there and it magically becomes 4 times more expensive simply because it's put into a Mac.
You could build at least three insanely powerful computers for the same price as buying an iMac.
If someone, for some particular reason, prefers using Mac's operating system then you can still simply purchase a regular PC and install OSX on it. Saves you tons of cash.

It's quite odd that I hear people saying that Macs never crash and never get viruses, yet I have met 3 people in the last 2 months whose Macs/Macbooks broke down (in one iMac the hard drive broke down completely, another friend's Macbook kept crashing every few minutes (from what I understood, Safari had somehow messed up the OS's stability), can't remember what caused the problem for the third person). As Macs become more popular over time, more viruses will be programmed for them. People have this false sense of security that nothing can go wrong, but the security does not come from having excellent malware protection, but due to the lack of malware.
Besides, I can spray my PC white and paint an Apple logo on the side for much less money than acually buying a Mac. That's the only reason people buy Macs anyway, isn't it?
Sadly, it would seem so. Oddly enough, these people always deny being Apple fans, yet I have noticed that many of them spend an excessive amount of time proving how hipster they are by showing of their latest i-Gadgets and Apple logos...


Posted: July 31st, 2011, 6:02 pm
by newbpcpfolder
orislater wrote:both will get the job done, but with a pc it takes 3 times longer :P
Wrong........mostly. Since, if you build a computer better than the mac model in question, it would work better than that. And I can easily change my hardware without a lot of money.
I agree, Windows is more virus prone, but, as I've heard a lot, Macs, in case they become famous, will also be as virus prone..............
And yeah, games are also released more on PC (Windows), and also that Macs cost a lot. You say that a Mac will get the job done 3 times faster than a PC. It's not always right - You see, you need to take the PC hardware and the Mac hardware into account. A PC with great processing power and RAM will obviously beat the MAC in terms of processing speed, in case you build one so.
orislater wrote:i love my mac even if it is a dinosaur. we recently got a new pc and i had completely forgoten how to use it! it's so damn hard!!!
That's just familiarity issues. Not that it has to do something with being bad or anything like that.
I use XP, and my friend has a 7, I really still don't get used to it, but he left..........But XP isn't outdated yet.
And Linux isn't bad too, but I've never come across it, so I can't say much
That's it.

Re: Mac? or PC?

Posted: August 2nd, 2011, 10:49 pm
by Argonaut
I would not say that a mac or a PC is better. It is more based on what you want out of your computer. I have found that people who are real big computer people, people who know how to hack into stuff and build software like the PC better, because the PC is better for that. The PC also has more games (though I generally just use a game console for that).

On the other hand a mac will load the internet faster. It is also less virus prone and in many cases, easier to use.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. People who know the ins and outs of computers will probably like PC's. Simple people like me, who just want to use a computer to type papers and surf the internet a couple of times, will probably side with the mac.

Re: Mac? or PC?

Posted: August 3rd, 2011, 12:34 pm
by Goku
For me, definitely Mac !

Re: Mac? or PC?

Posted: August 7th, 2011, 6:44 pm
by orislater
my uncle knows both pcs and macs inside out and he likes macs better

Re: Mac? or PC?

Posted: August 10th, 2011, 1:14 am
by Axel´s Origami
I use a pc, but I would´t mind trying a mac.

Re: Mac? or PC?

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 8:34 pm
by Washi
You know guys...

Comparing Mac and PC is like comparing an apple and an orange. An orange is round, and an apple has a core, but in the end, they're just fruit. :P

Re: Mac? or PC?

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 9:07 pm
by fncll
I was a dedicated PC user for many years (since the first IBM PC, in fact) and particularly liked what Microsoft did with Windows 7. There are some situations where I would certainly still find a PC more comfortable to operate, but some of that may come from not being familiar with similar tools and techniques with Mac OS. I don't agree with most criticisms of the Windows OS.

But having recently switched my primary computer to Mac (still have two PCs and I do love my Lenovo X200S), I have to say that for me, Mac simply works better all around. After my years of making fun of Mac people, I realize that part of what makes it better (for ME), is difficult to describe... it's just all-around more efficient and predictable. Though not without its own maddening quirks :)

I say: to each their own. Live and let live. etc.

Re: Mac? or PC?

Posted: August 23rd, 2011, 8:12 am
by redheadorigami
I used my Bros ubuntu/linux laptop once.
It was so awesome because everything was released freely, all apps and such :D

Re: Mac? or PC?

Posted: August 25th, 2011, 1:46 am
by kevin89
It seems that a lot of the debate is centered around which one is faster, etc., so how do the two compare if you bought two identical computers, one a pc and one a mac?
Because I'm looking into buying a laptop for school and I can't decide. I definitely like the look of the macs better, but I'm not going to buy one because of that. Even though I haven't used a mac, they look easier to navigate than pc, and I've heard WAY fewer horror stories about macs than pcs...

And for everyone who mentions that you could build a computer thats just as good: most people can't build a computer, either they don't have the skills or the time, so that isn't always an option...

Re: Mac? or PC?

Posted: August 25th, 2011, 2:33 am
by HankSimon
The Mac usually appeals to people who like the user experience, and use it only as a tool. Although it has a UNIX foundation, the Mac can be frustrating for people who like to tweak their machines. You can run Parallels to run other operating systems - I think VISTA ran faster on the iMac.

The PC is more widely used and that's an important consideration. That's also the reason that it's a bigger target for viruses, so you have to be more vigilant than with an iMac. The PC has much more third party software, but the iMac tends to be a better multimedia device.

Both machines are equally difficult to learn how to use, however, the iMac provides a better user experience, once you learn how to use it. Software on both machine can be a frustrating pain in the neck, because you have to buy the right third party books to learn the 'Power features.'

I am bi-lingual :-) PC during the day and iMac at night... Sometimes Linux on the Weekend.

Re: Mac? or PC?

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 4:51 pm
by Harpseal
I'm not getting into this apart from saying that I once wrote a comic that had two arch enemies having a space battle at the end and they were having a futuristic MSN conversation. All the goodies used PCs and all the Baddies used macs.

Re: Mac? or PC?

Posted: March 23rd, 2012, 2:16 am
by shelbygr1gh
Well does iPad count if it does Mac