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Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: December 4th, 2012, 12:40 pm
by GWB origami
okay. here are all the pokemon
bulbasaur ivysaur venosaur charmander charmeleon charizard squirtle wartortle blastoise... umm...

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: December 19th, 2012, 7:41 am
by TheUnChosenOne

anyways i would like to get bw2 but gah everything is so confusing
and also im too lazy to go to the store

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: December 21st, 2012, 9:04 am
by Harpseal
As many as my character limit allows.
...Caterpie, metapod,butterfree,weedle,kakuna,beedrill,pidgey,pidgeotto,pidgot,rattata,raticate,spearow,fearow,ekans,arbok,pikachu,raichu,sandshrew,sandslash,(f)nidoran,nidorina,nidoqueen,(m)nidoran,nidorino,nidoking,clefairy,clefable,vulpix,ninetails,jigglypuff,wigglytuff,zubat,golbat,oddish,gloom,vileplume,paras,parasect,venonat,venomoth,diglett,dugtrio,meowth,persian,psyduk,golduck,mankey,primeape,growlithe,arcanine,poliwag,poliwhirl,poliwrath,abra,kadabra,alakazam.

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: February 1st, 2013, 11:50 pm
by Takatheeducatedkid
I love Pokémon! I have over 900 hours put in on my Black game, and almost 200 on Black 2. I'm pretty excited to build a team of Eevee and it's evolutions for the Eevee Cup if it comes to the United States!

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: March 15th, 2013, 8:30 am
by pokeorigami
Have you heard that Sylveon a new eveeloution is coming out?
X and Y is Going to be Awesome!

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 6:07 pm
by Harpseal
Mewtwo's getting an official evolution in x and y! (or at least some sort of relative.)
It had a fan one already. This is the official one: Image

I can't find the fan mewtwo anywhere now... It's creator must have taken all the images down because an official one exists. :(
It was really cool.
I think the new (real) one is called mewthree.

(Woah. :shock: Deep and imaginative!)

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: July 18th, 2013, 11:19 am
by GWB origami
Sorry, harpseal. This came out in like April. They still haven't revealed its typing though...
Do you know about the 5 new Pokemon, 2 Gym Leaders, the Evil Team, and the Professor, all released last Friday?

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: July 31st, 2013, 12:19 pm
by Harpseal
No, but i do know that the two new games come out October 12th :)
Or did you know that two?


These are the cover legends.


These are the starters.

Quoting an article i found: " 3DS adventures Pokemon X and Y will be set in an entirely new region called Kalos, Nintendo has announced.

Nintendo also announced that the capital of Kalos will be Lumiose City, which contains a massive tower reminiscent of Paris' Eiffel Tower.

The Pokedex in Pokemon X and Y will also be split across the Kalos region's three unique areas, though Nintendo has yet to say how many Pokemon will feature in the final game. "

And for good measure, here's the region map:

The game also features a mountain goat pokemon called 'Gogoat' (rubbish name if you ask me)
which you can ride in the game.

The team is called team flare, and all they want to do is make money. There's also a brand new type, called fairy type. One of the cover legends (Xerneas) is fairy type. (The other is dark/flying)

Here is (hopefully) a trailer of the gameplay.

Hopefully this was useful :)

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: July 31st, 2013, 12:30 pm
by GWB origami
Yeah, I knew most of this because one of the first things I do in the morning is check all the Pokemon websites, and I think those starter evolutions were proven fake, because they would be all over if they were real.

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: November 8th, 2013, 8:57 pm
by Kyle2952
Ok everybody, post your 3ds friend codes here! The new safari requires you to have lots of friends, and each friend gives access to 3 pokemon. So what are all your friend codes?!
FC: 0662-3852-7160

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: December 23rd, 2013, 1:23 pm
by GWB origami
Mine is 3325-2367-3567

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: December 24th, 2013, 12:57 am
by Kyle2952
Did you add me? I will add you in one minute.

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: December 24th, 2013, 12:16 pm
by GWB origami
Okay, I added you.

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: December 24th, 2013, 3:16 pm
by Kyle2952
Do you have x or y? And have you beaten the game?

Re: Pokemon!!

Posted: December 24th, 2013, 6:21 pm
by GWB origami
I have X. i beat it on the 3rd or November.