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Strange, scary coincidence!

Posted: November 2nd, 2006, 10:54 pm
by Cupcake
I was watching CSI New York last night, and this particular night the show featured an origami crane in the evidence and an origamist.That was all fine, but at the end of the show, the lead investigator (Mac Taylor) was given a Cupcake for because it was his birthday. :shock: Freaky, eh?

Did anyone else watch CSI New York and notice this?

(600th post)

Posted: November 3rd, 2006, 5:01 am
by Aznman
Ah, no, not really.

What does an origami crane have to do with you? Do you think you will commit some crime and then get it traced to you becasue of a model you folded? ummmm........No.

Sorry to kill your....thrill...but that is not freaky, strager, or otherwise note worthy.

Posted: November 3rd, 2006, 7:44 pm
by Cupcake
I know, I over reacted a bit... but the coinccidence was "origami" and "cupcake". Try searching for that on google, My profile on this forum comes up.

Posted: November 3rd, 2006, 9:28 pm
by theorigamist
If you go to Google and search "origami" and any board name on these forums, the first link seems to be that person's profile. Again, not much of a coincidence. This is probably one of the most linked-to origami websites online, and I think that's what Google's links are ranked by.

Posted: November 3rd, 2006, 10:50 pm
by Cupcake
You're ruining my... Thrill! :cry:

Would I commit a crime and get caught because of one of my folds? We'll see :twisted:

Posted: November 7th, 2006, 6:05 am
by Morgan
haha :) you make me laugh cupcake, err hehe i mean in a good way, not that "you make me scoff at your efforts what an imbisicile to post such things that are below sucha standard to be recognized by such a level of classmen to which you are adressing your antics"..... its more like hahahha that was funny and smiling occurs to my face upon such understanding of sentences produced from your hands....or uhmmm.... ya...hehehe....annnnnnd i think they did it on purpose because they want to censor your senseiship and keep you down.... if you make one more post its the chair for the whole lot of yas