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fiery nunchaku?!?

Posted: January 21st, 2011, 9:56 pm
by madarko
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed>

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed>

anyone else into chaks? or playing with fire..?

Posted: January 21st, 2011, 11:11 pm
by orislater
holy crap! is that you?

Posted: January 22nd, 2011, 12:04 am
by madarko
oh yeah, maybe i shoulda mentioned that.... yeah, that's me :D

Posted: January 22nd, 2011, 1:16 am
by orislater

Posted: January 22nd, 2011, 2:24 am
by Pop pop

Posted: January 22nd, 2011, 6:02 am
by orislater

Posted: January 22nd, 2011, 1:02 pm
by madarko
Lok'tar ogar!!

Posted: January 22nd, 2011, 7:52 pm
by philipinorigami101
you should try fire poi/staff :D

Posted: January 22nd, 2011, 8:00 pm
by madarko
nah, i don't like poi because you can't break peoples faces with 'em and staffs are too big to be used properly indoors.. it's all about practicality see, for me, chaks are the best because you can strike, block, lock, disarm and pretty much anything else you care to do, they're easily concealable and let's face it... heaps of fun :D

Posted: January 23rd, 2011, 12:52 am
by Pop pop
i want to see people faces be broken off

Posted: January 25th, 2011, 6:35 am
by the modern einstein
Maybe I should convert from poi.....

Posted: February 8th, 2011, 9:30 pm
by Thelemic Potter
Nice idea with the sparklers, if a bit short burning. You've got really nice passes and plane changes, no stalls.

Personally I prefer rope dart and staff. You can totally mess someone up with poi, try them with some heavy weights on them and tell me they wouldn't be effective weapons. I'd prefer a rope dart of course, besides sucking at poi, the reach is pretty damn nice.

Check out our site

You should try filming with some light to improve the detail.

Posted: February 8th, 2011, 10:41 pm
by steingar
I rather a gun than chaku. I think here you need the same permit to carry either. If I'm going to juggle fire, I use clubs. Hard to do though, the only place I can do it legally is my own yard, and its hard on the grass. I still think torches are safer than knives, though.

Posted: February 9th, 2011, 7:11 pm
by Thelemic Potter
Actually a gun is a whole lot easier to carry in many jurisdictions. In NY, "soft weapons" like 3-part staff, chain whips, nunchaku, are illegal because police used to use them to mess people UP! They were using them to subdue people, and then using the leverage action to shatter bones and nerves, it's really easy to go way too far when using one of these weapons to disable a person.

Performers walk a fine and dangerous line, we generally try to stay away from weapons grade materials and not carry them with out other "performance equipment".

To make this clear, if you make your own nunchucks, and get caught with them, you can go to jail (in a number of states). Dojos CAN get permits, but it isn't easy, and they still can't actually transport said weapons or buy them.

Further, fire performance is dangerous as all hell. I've seen a good friend get horrific burns from a fuel spill. My crew goes through an extensie training program and are required to be proficient with a new toy before lighting it up. They are sober, their toys are professionally made and tested for integrity, there is a dedicated safety who has been trained to put out fires and treat burn watching them at all times...

If fire sounds awesome, which it is, please do not go wrap some socks on a stick and dip them in gasoline, that is BAD. Go to and go through their safety lessons, find a local fire spinner group (they are all over now), and spend some time making sure you are fully aware of what you are getting involved with. get good equipment, practice A LOT, build up a safety kit, train a safety, then and only then when all the ground work is done, light up. Home of Poi is super awesome and have an extensive library of lessons.

A set of fire poi with metal chains wrapped around your arms will burn to the bone is SECONDS if your safety does not know what they are doing. Fuel spills can travel 10+ yards in a manner of seconds and ignite posing a danger to anyone in the vicinity. Even practice weapons with soft parts can be quite dangerous. I hit myself in the face and nut during practice ALL the time. SERIOUS PAIN! A friend once said his nunchuck training involed hitting himself repeatedly until they no longer hurt. These are weapons and should always be treated as such.


That being said, everyone should learn to spin fire, just make sure you respect what you are doing.

Oh, and you can make money and be famous doing this! I've been on the news 5 times since I went professional last summer, performed for all sorts of people, get recognized as "that awesome guy with the fire" on the streets by strangers, even get $400+ checks sent to me for performances.

Oh check local laws concerning fire performance and fuel transport regulations, I know it's outright illegal in Boston to burn in public because of an accident there years ago. It only takes one idiot to mess things up for everyone.

Posted: February 9th, 2011, 9:32 pm
by steingar
Most of the professional jugglers I've seen don't even use fire in their acts. A good juggling act is all about the patter anyway.