Posted: September 14th, 2017, 2:18 pm
There have been a short discussion about the checkerboard (the board, not the chess pieces): ... ard#p28670
but this post concerns a more general challenge: folding the nxn checkerboard from a single square sheet of paper with one color per face. Additionnaly, the question is: what is the optimal design (i.e. the smallest initial square for the same folded design)?
An old (2000) upper bound on the paper size has been stated in
It has been outperformed (2009) in ... 21.1/62156
but only for n > 16. Since then, there have been several effectively folded models of the expected optimal chessboard (n=8), but I have not seen real models folded for a larger n.
So, here is my latest attempt: the 11x11 checkerboard
from a 60x60 paper (half-folded to feel the complexity).
The design principle is not new, and is described in
but the real physical folding may well be.
So, the question is:
the effective folding of the optimal 11x11 checkerboard (i.e. from the smallest initial square of paper - not proved but strongly suspected), is it a world record?? ... ard#p28670
but this post concerns a more general challenge: folding the nxn checkerboard from a single square sheet of paper with one color per face. Additionnaly, the question is: what is the optimal design (i.e. the smallest initial square for the same folded design)?
An old (2000) upper bound on the paper size has been stated in
It has been outperformed (2009) in ... 21.1/62156
but only for n > 16. Since then, there have been several effectively folded models of the expected optimal chessboard (n=8), but I have not seen real models folded for a larger n.
So, here is my latest attempt: the 11x11 checkerboard
from a 60x60 paper (half-folded to feel the complexity).
The design principle is not new, and is described in
but the real physical folding may well be.
So, the question is:
the effective folding of the optimal 11x11 checkerboard (i.e. from the smallest initial square of paper - not proved but strongly suspected), is it a world record??