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Posted: October 20th, 2010, 3:41 am
by newbpcpfolder
I think I'll have to do a dragon then.


Posted: October 23rd, 2010, 5:09 pm
by Tai, Hsi-Min
Flickr 上 pp-333Goat

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 5:05 pm
by juston


We're coming up on the end of the month and we haven't had a unicorn yet?! Well I'm here to remedy that.

This model is based on my new Przewalski's Horse model and is made from paper the proportions of a dollar bill (see my flickr for that model). I opted not to fold it from an actual dollar that way it could be seen more clearly and because unicorns are almost exclusively depicted as white.

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 6:00 pm
by Trouble
love the tail

Posted: October 26th, 2010, 10:25 pm
by endreon

Moose head designed by me from a 8.5 by 5.5 rectangle.


A simpler moose head designed and folded by me from a square.

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 11:01 pm
by endreon


Designed at a reguest from my 9 year old sister.

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 11:03 pm
by NoahRatcl
Is it just me, or is this photo absolutely massive?

Posted: October 29th, 2010, 11:04 pm
by endreon
I fixed it! :oops: Sorry!!!

Posted: October 31st, 2010, 4:32 pm
by Sunburst




...what? Not THAT kind of horn?

Was very tempted to do «corn» as well :lol:

Posted: October 31st, 2010, 4:34 pm
by joshuaorigami
Late winner' :D Nice one, Sunburst!

Posted: October 31st, 2010, 8:37 pm
by Iwvi
Wow, thats an amaizing horn sunburst, i think we all got the wrong idea :D

Posted: November 1st, 2010, 4:17 am
by firstfold
YES, I know, I made this one a while ago and it's too late for a model - but I just had to "toot my own horn":



Posted: November 1st, 2010, 4:20 am
by Iwvi
Another good one!, i think I folded the wrong kind of horn :wink:

Posted: November 1st, 2010, 8:30 am
by newbpcpfolder
hey - it's november 1 and no winners?
is the problem that it's not november 1 in all parts of the world?
that tuba(?) is superb, well done! no wrinkles too.........!

Posted: November 1st, 2010, 9:47 am
by FlareglooM
Impatience ftw.

I'll try to have the judging finished and the new topic up in about 12 hours. I got some time now to check out the models, but got to go in a short while.

Just so you all now :).