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Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: November 2nd, 2013, 8:11 am
by juston
The topic for this month's challenge will be reinterpreting a classic model. By that I mean taking a traditional (or merely an old and widely known) model and either altering it using any technique available to the modern origamist (wet/mc folding, grafting, splitting, etc.) or reinventing it from the ground up.

I've done this a few times over the years and have found it very creatively stimulating. Here are a few examples of models I've reinterpreted by applying more modern techniques to old models.

The traditional knight's helmet reinterpreted to look more like an actual helmet and a fantasy helmet.

The traditional samurai helmet reinterpreted to include all of the features of an actual samurai helmet.

Neal Elias's dollar bill elephant reinterpreted to include more anatomical details.

Here's a model I completely reinvented.

The traditional tanuki model is from a bird base and employs cuts. Mine is from a modified frog base.

If you so choose you can also take a traditional model and use it as a jumping off point to make something completely different.

These rabbits have their origin in the traditional waterbomb.

This challenge is pretty much whatever you choose to make of it, so have fun with it and submit something, even if it's your first time... especially if it's your first time.

Some rules:
-you can make your models from any rectangle, including squares
-you can submit as many models as you like
-one sheet per model
-Baltorigamist judges

Re: Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 4:34 am
by origaminutos
a new way to make a traditional sailboat, as fast as we can sail

Re: Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 11:14 am
by Swapnil Das
Is it okay if I modify the ninja star?

Re: Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: November 12th, 2013, 1:46 pm
by Mir Numaan
can someone modify a MASU box?

Re: Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 12:42 am
by Baltorigamist
You can modify it to have no cuts (at least I have).
What I think would be interesting is a modification of the Tamatebako box to have no cuts. (;

Re: Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 10:04 am
by juston
sr123ification wrote:Is it okay if I modify the ninja star?
mir numaan wrote:can someone modify a MASU box?

Re: Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 1:36 pm
by juston
If anyone is looking for traditional models to draw inspiration from, here's a good place to start. Go to, click on Diagrams and then Model(s) of the Month.

And feel free to use classic models from old books too. Harbin and Randlett's books are a good place to start.

Re: Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: November 17th, 2013, 5:33 pm
by -sebl-
from one uncut square the butterfly is make from the traditionnal one (waterbomb base)
one square of VOGpaper and unryu with mc (50cm)

chasing butterflies par -sebl-, sur Flickr

from a fish base with a graft for the butterfly :wink:

Re: Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: November 28th, 2013, 12:40 am
by jeko
On the left we have Elias Gutierrez Gil's snail (Harbin - Secrets of Origami).
It starts from a 2x1 rectangle, which is cut into a diamond shape, from that we form a bird base, and finally we need another cut to get the 2 eyes.

My version on the right also starts from a 2x1 rectangle, which is folded into a diamond shape (to stick to the rules :D and I also chose a slightly more efficient diamond). I then did an even more asymmetrical bird base to get more paper for the shell. The eyes are formed without a cut (of course).

Re: Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: November 30th, 2013, 2:20 pm
by greencube07
Flickr에서 green cube님의 Horse
Flickr에서 green cube님의 Horse
Flickr에서 green cube님의 Horse

40 minutes left until the end of November!
The topic was to recreate a traditional model so I chose a traditional horse model.
Original model : Go to '', click on Diagrams and then Model(s) of the Month. It' on 82.
Unlike the original model, I used no cuts and changed some ratios of the body part and gave grafting on the head to make the head and neck have enough amount of length to look similar to a real horse. After that, there were two flaps left so I made the mane. The base is quite interesting, I think I might be able to fold other animals from this base :D

Photo diagram will be in the christmas book with my BP hydralisk ver.1 and simple dragon.

Re: Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: December 1st, 2013, 1:31 am
by roodborst
A pretty detailed horse for a traditional model. I'll check out the base.

Re: Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: December 1st, 2013, 4:40 pm
by Baltorigamist
Okay, I've decided.

First place goes to Sebl for his model. I love the intricate use of color changes as well as the concept of two figures from a single sheet.
Second place goes to Greencube for his Horse. Again, I love the use of color changes and the realism involved.
Third place goes to Origaminutos for his Sailboat.

Sebl will judge this month's challenge and decide the topic for January.

Re: Monthly Folding Challenge: November 2013

Posted: December 1st, 2013, 7:25 pm
by -sebl-
:D thanks a lot for this first place !
congratulation for the other participants, not a lot :? perhaps next month ... :)