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Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 14th, 2015, 7:35 pm
by idooi
Can anyone tell me which tissue paper you usually use to make tissue foil? I mean models like ryujin, ancient dragon, phoenix 3.5, Hoang's eagle, Robert j. lang's insects and other thick origami models.

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 14th, 2015, 9:06 pm
by origami_8

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 14th, 2015, 9:33 pm
by steingar
Most tissue paper works fine. There are some that are rather thick that should be avoided, they can easily be detected by touch or labeling. You might try hitting up the dollar store for large rolls of "heavy duty" aluminum foil. The cheap foil isn't at all thick, but the rolls are long and give you nice big sheets to help with all those complicated models.

I've used lots of patterned tissues that are nice, but they are thicker. The party stores here actually have a nice selection of colors, nice to have a good pallet. I make quite a few sheets at a time and cut them all up at once, thus I have paper to last through the rough weather when I can' tho outside to make it.

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 14th, 2015, 10:19 pm
by origami_8
Funny, for me it is quite the opposite. I use the bad weather to make tissue foil indoors with white glue. I don't like the one made with spray glue.

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 15th, 2015, 7:17 am
by idooi
I know where to get the aluminum foil but for the tissue I need specific name of the paper. I used white glue and itworksed well to me.

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 15th, 2015, 8:30 pm
by steingar
origami_8 wrote:Funny, for me it is quite the opposite. I use the bad weather to make tissue foil indoors with white glue. I don't like the one made with spray glue.
I've heard people say that white glue works better. It does change the texture of the tissue, makes it a bit crisper. But tissue foil is just folding aluminum foil. The tissue is there to give it some color and a bit of tear proofing. Doesn't matter the glue, you're still folding aluminum foil with some tissue stuck to it. The glue won't change the properties of either material.

I've been using spray glue for years. It is highly effective and really quick. Tried using a water-based PVA glue, and was unimpressed. The tissue foil downsides (memory and thickness) aren't affected in the slightest, at least not that I can detect. The biggest down side is it has to be used out of doors do to the toxicity of the propellents (and the fact that breathing glue is bad for you). Even when I lived in a crappy apartment I had outside room enough to make tissue foil.

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 15th, 2015, 9:45 pm
by idooi
What about my question? I still don't know which tissue paper should I get?

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 15th, 2015, 10:08 pm
by origami_8
@idooi: Look at my first reply. I gave you not only the name but a place to buy it. Just click the Link.

@steingar: In my experience the differences are huge. Tissue Foil made with spray glue feels more like foil with some tissue paper sticking to it. It feels and folds terrible. Whereas the one made with white glue feels as if it is one sheet and not a compound of sheets. Creases reverse easily with this paper and the paper properties dominate over the foil properties. The important thing is to find the best glue (it has to stick to aluminium) and the right dilution.
I've tried out both, spray glue and white glue, and experimented quite a bit but always with the same results. It is interesting that you seem to have made different experiences.

ImageTissue Foil by origami_8, on Flickr

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 5:11 am
by idooi
Sorry, the post was too short and I missed it...

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 6:16 pm
by steingar
idooi wrote:What about my question? I still don't know which tissue paper should I get?
Get whatever you can and try. Tissue paper is sold in craft stores, party stores, and stationery stores. Get a couple packs, make some paper and see how you like it. I don't now what's in your local market, so I can't really tell you anymore than that. Anna has done far more, she is a wonderful folder and a real expert, so you might try taking her advice.

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 6:21 pm
by steingar
origami_8 wrote:@steingar: In my experience the differences are huge. Tissue Foil made with spray glue feels more like foil with some tissue paper sticking to it. It feels and folds terrible. Whereas the one made with white glue feels as if it is one sheet and not a compound of sheets. Creases reverse easily with this paper and the paper properties dominate over the foil properties. The important thing is to find the best glue (it has to stick to aluminium) and the right dilution.
I've tried out both, spray glue and white glue, and experimented quite a bit but always with the same results. It is interesting that you seem to have made different experiences.
Perhaps I've not yet found the right conditions, but I'll bet that the difference is hypochondrial. That is, I bet you think there should be a difference, thus you see it to be. I can't see how you can get aluminum foil to stop behaving like aluminum foil.

That said, I do like to keep an open mind. I suppose I should ask a favor. If I send you my address, can you send along a small sheet or two of your paper? I'll try it and let you know what I think. I promise to return something nice you can't get in Austria.

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 9:31 pm
by idooi
What about terry's tissue paper? Is it good to make tissue foil with it?

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 17th, 2015, 5:58 am
by idooi

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 17th, 2015, 8:00 am
by origami_8
Looks good yes.

Re: Tissue paper for tissue foil

Posted: April 17th, 2015, 8:31 am
by idooi