I've been dying to try to collapse this cp: http://www.flickr.com/photos/84138735@N00/905048196/ but for me, it's hard for me to tell the difference if the fold is a mountain or valley fold. Please anyone respond for any part of the cp that will help me whatsoever. Oh, and i'm actually making this for a Mother's day gift so please respond as quick as possible
What we do is look for the obvious lines , it's easier here because we have because there's a photo of the finished model with defined creases .Straight away you can see the centre concertina fold is two mountain folds on each side of the centre valley . SO now we know which is valley and mountain .BUT the extra detail is the colour change on the hair and hem obviously that because the paper is white side up and the colour is on that back .A more difficult detail is the collar and peplum which is found somewhere on the edges on the paper and glued for the completed affect .