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Posted: July 15th, 2008, 4:59 am
by paperz
Thanks a million gordigami! I had not seen these diagrams earlier. I am folding one rightaway. For some reason i like folding turtles/tortoises a lot.

Posted: July 15th, 2008, 7:37 am
by Drgn
The diagrams Gordigami linked to are for turtle that is, in essence, an easier or less complicated version of Robert Lang's Western Pond Turtle. I've yet to fold the western turtle (although I have the book and have gone through the diagrams) but I have folded the Snapping Turtle by John Szinger (the diagrams Gordigami linked to.)
However my reason for posting is because I'd be very interested to see a picture of how your Snapping Turtle turns out. I folded mine and in the end found that it was extremely flat (even after shell crimping and detailing) and looked quite odd being so large and flat :? So if you have the time to, once you've finished it, I'd definitly like to see how yours turned out :wink:

Also, sorry if this is a dumb question, but in what book would you find the Turtle by Romain Chevrier? :P

Turtle by Romain Chevrier

Posted: July 15th, 2008, 10:58 am
by gordigami
Paperz: Happy to hear that you're going to tackle it. It's good practice,
a nice turtle in it's own way.
Drgn: Yes, indeed , the Szinger turtle is easier, but requires some thought and sculpturing at the end . Not at all similar to Robert Lang's Western Pond Turtle though . It's more like the Chevrier turtle .
You can can find Chevrier's turtle in BOS 206, Origami USA Convention 2001, and Palacios' Papiroflexia Coleccion . Maybe it's just me, but I find it to be a fairly daunting challenge, as is the Western Pond Turtle. Probably best done when one has a chunk of time to work on either one.
Finding that time is the greatest challenge ...

Posted: July 15th, 2008, 11:20 am
by Max
I folded Langs turtle and was a bit disappointed.
I think it is very hard and costs a lot of time to fold an impressive model out of Langs instructions. You need to fold very very precise because of the tesselation the shell consists of.

Well, i folded it some time ago, and maybe used the wrong kind of paper. Though my folding skills advanced i don't think that i am motivated to fold it again. As gordigami said, you need a lot of time...

Concering the turtle recommendations ;)
My favourite is Montrolls turtle out of "Animal Origami for the Enthusiast". Its easy and elegant to fold and it surprises you with a nice 3D shape.

I'll try Chevrier's and Szinger's turtle soon, if i can get my hands on the diagrams...

Turtle by Romain Chevrier

Posted: July 15th, 2008, 11:56 am
by gordigami
Max : The link for Szinger's turtle is here. ... agrams.swf
It is online and kindly provided by John Szinger.
I certainly agree with you that the Montroll turtle is a fun one to do, everything goes together smoothly. Have made about 20 of them, ( due to people's requests) with different types and textures of paper for each one, and , of course, modified the toes so that they're more attractive.
It can also be found in Montroll's Origami Sea Creatures book.
Even have a tiny one using 1 7/8 inch mini stickie note cube square .
I'm seriously doubting that I'll be able to do a Chevrier or Lang turtle that small !
I'll consider myself lucky if I can escape messing up either one ...

Posted: July 19th, 2008, 5:42 am
by paperz
I finally finished folding Turtle designed by John Szinger! (thanks so much gordigami for the diagram link). I will post photos tomorrow as it is 00:30hrs and daylight will do justice to the poor copy paper I used to fold it. For me, the toughest part of folding was the shell pattern you need to make initially (the actual turtle folds happen after that). I did not do the limbs in detail, but the shell turned out fine. I am just too excited that i finished it at first try. :lol:

@gordigami: The folds to make the turtle by Romain Chevrier are easily memorized as the base is mainly a tessellation and most of the steps you are doing will be repeated 5 more times as you are working on a hexagon! Post your pictures as soon as your turtle is done :wink:

Turtle By Romain Chevrier

Posted: July 19th, 2008, 5:59 am
by gordigami
Paperz :
Excelente !
You're movin' & groovin' whilst some of us are lagging behind !
What did you think of the process for this turtle ?
What is your opinion of it's merits relative to other turtles ?
Looking forward to seeing photo of it, or even 2nd remake if you choose that route.
Your next project will be _ ?

Posted: July 19th, 2008, 6:34 am
by paperz
Thanks gordigami. Actually your encouragement made me do it. I think a mc double tissue paper would be the best to fold it. Though i have all information to make it, i have to get some methyl cellulose :roll: Before that, i think i will fold it with kraft paper...i bought a roll at a nearby dollar store.

The good thing about this turtle is that it is done very fast and the steps are simple, easy to remember. I guess the only other turtle i have folded apart from the most recent two is John Montroll's...but that was a couple years ago. I don't remember a thing about it!

Actually i am folding simpler models alongside, an airplane by Yukihiko Matsuno....and trying to fold models from just photos of finished models. I love to fold once everyone is fast asleep as there are no interruptions or calls even!! Will keep posting photos once folds are done. Meanwhile, i feel you should have a flickr account too and post your folds there.

Posted: July 19th, 2008, 3:18 pm
by paperz
Another good thing about this turtle is that you don't have to shape the paper into a hexagon, just a square paper and you can start folding.

Snapping Turtle (designed by John Szinger)



Turtle by Romaine Chevrier

Posted: July 25th, 2008, 10:54 am
by gordigami
Your Szinger turtle came out terrific ! Very clean lines & symmetry . For this turtle, I will be experimenting with various paper textures, as well as mc and tissue when time permits.
Kraft paper - Yep . I have kraft paper in various thicknesses, as well as black, red, green , several browns, and beige . Really enjoy the crispness for folding. Need to visit several craft stores, Michael's etc, to find variety. Then I use other paper for final models.
Methyl cellulose -Can be found at Blick artist supply, as well as online . Recommend googling.
Flickr- Thank you for suggestion. Already in the works . For now, prefer to use my quite limited time folding as much variety as possible . For me, display must take a back seat to development.
Your efforts, and enthusiasm, are always a welcome contribution to origami.