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Posted: August 2nd, 2005, 2:57 am
by JMcK
Phu Tran's rose is brilliant, but you guys are being a bit hard on Kawasaki.

I mean look:


The Kawasaki new rose can be lovely too!

Posted: August 2nd, 2005, 3:02 am
by BigFIFan
I know how lovely Kawasaki's roses are! I've folded them for years. His rose has always been the premeire rose model in the origami community. I'm just really excited to see another beautiful take on the subject! I mean no offense to Kawasaki! He will always be the king of origami roses!

Posted: August 2nd, 2005, 4:01 am
by origamimasterjared
Phu Tran's rose is brilliant, but you guys are being a bit hard on Kawasaki.
No they're not. They're just phawning Phu...

Posted: August 2nd, 2005, 8:21 am
by pnpurdue
I have to admit, Kawasaki's rose is superb, but however when looking at Phu Tran's rose I am in love. I got back the feeling of the time long ago when I first saw Kawasaki's rose. haha seriously I'm in love with the rose. If I can learn how to make this Phu Tran rose, I will use it to ask this girl out. What a wonderful way of asking a girl out, "hey you want this rose? date me!" hahaha

Posted: August 3rd, 2005, 7:37 am
by hunprat
pnpurdue wrote: If I can learn how to make this Phu Tran rose, I will use it to ask this girl out. What a wonderful way of asking a girl out, "hey you want this rose? date me!" hahaha
If you need an origami rose to ask a girl out, you need help.
And if a girl will only go out with you because of an origami rose,
you will be one busy guy. One busy guy folding things for her. :lol:

But seriously, I don't have diagrams for my rose and I don't want
other people to diagram it. I like to have control over my design.
It is not that I am selfish and don't like to share, I have taught many
people how to make the rose. I also agree to let Micheal Sanders
teach the rose at the New York Convention. Although I had him teach
it informally and not in a class, because I don't believe that the
convention should be charging people extra to take classes, since
the classes are taught for free by the volunteers.

For those who want to learn the rose, you will just have to find
someone who learn the rose and have them teach it to you. I do
attend the WCOG and have taught the rose there. I will also try
to make it to PCOC this coming Sept. and will be happy to teach
people the rose. Otherwise, you will just have to wait until I
publish my diagrams, which could take years. :wink:


Posted: August 3rd, 2005, 10:37 pm
by origami_8
hunprat wrote:I don't have diagrams for my rose and I don't want
other people to diagram it. I like to have control over my design.
It is not that I am selfish and don't like to share, I have taught many
people how to make the rose. I also agree to let Micheal Sanders
teach the rose at the New York Convention.
I understand that you don´t like to draw diagrams on your own. But if you agree and teach your model to other people, why don´t you want someone else drawing diagrams for it? (for sure the person should only be allowed to give them away with your permission) It wouldn´t make so much difference and maybe someone has allready done without your knowledge. (If someone is telling me something very nice, I also draw diagrams of it for my own to be sure remembering all the steps in the future.) It seems as you´ve allready lost controll. :shock:
hunprat wrote:For those who want to learn the rose, you will just have to find someone who learn the rose and have them teach it to you.
That´s easier said than done. I don´t know anyone who was at the New York Convention and I hardly ever meet other folders. It is very implausible that I will ever meet someone who knows how to fold it.
Your Rose is fantastic and I would really like to learn how to fold it, but I fear if you don´t publish diagrams for it, I will never have the chance to. :cry:

Posted: August 4th, 2005, 2:50 am
by BigFIFan
I'm with Anna on this 100%. I'd love to be taught how to fold the rose but I know it isn't ever going to happen. It's a damn shame.

Posted: August 4th, 2005, 3:34 am
by wolf
Hey look, it's the Magic Rose Cube brouhaha all over again! :shock:

A few options here:
1. Wait. Patience is a virtue.
2. Reverse engineer the thing from the photos. Even if you don't manage to, maybe you'll come up with another better rose of your own!
3. Make it a point to go to one of the big three conventions (OUSA, BOS, JOAS) instead of waiting for one to drop into your lap. The origami world is small enough that you're bound to find someone to teach you the rose in one of those conventions.
4. Accept that you'll never learn it, and fold something else. :D

Posted: August 4th, 2005, 3:50 am
by Rinrin
WoW, I definitely would like to learn this :shock:

very beautiful rose~

Posted: August 4th, 2005, 7:40 am
by hunprat
I'm not sure if I can accept the justification of "Patience is virtue" for this particular rose. I mean, if we all keep saying, "just wait, just wait" then nothing will get done. "Things will happen." What if phu tran never diagrams? Which he already said he will not diagram--possibily ever :-( As for me, I just want to get phu tran to get motivated--to let him know that ppl really love his work and are itching to be able to refold his creation.
:roll: Trying to motivate me will not work when I don't have the time to diagram. Crying about there are no diagrams will not get you diagrams. Putting words in my mouth as saying that I will not diagram ever will also not work. I never said that I will not diagram my designs. I only said that it might take years. Origami to me is a hobby and an art that I like
to do. It is not my job or do I get any income from it or plan to get an income from it. I do plan to diagram my designs when I have the time.
You have to understand that origami is not really a major part of my life, I am starting a new teaching job which is taking up all my time now. You will just have to wait.
It was a big disappointment for me, and I'm sure many others, when phu replied back :cry: He offered ways for one to learn his rose--but once again I was very disappointed because not all of us have the mean to go to a convention or like origami_8 said, rarely do we get to meet other origami enthusiasts. And besides, what are the odds of them knowing how to make phu tran's rose? I mean even on this forum, we have many origami enthusiasts and how many know how to fold the rose??
Life is full of disappointments, you just have to learn to live with it.
If you don't have the money to go to a convention this year, start saving
for next years convention. If you don't normally see other origami enthusiasts, then this can motivate you to go find some. The odds of people knowing how to fold my rose will only increase with time as more people learn it.
I just don't understand why phu won't let other ppl diagram for him, if he cannot stand diagramming. I even offered. Nobody wants to diagram. I mean really now--it is a pain! So knowing this, I think it's a great honor to have ppl practically begging to diagram for YOU. We love your work! We're willing to sacrifice our time and energy to diagram for you and in return all we're asking is to learn how to fold your rose :-/ Am I crossing any lines by saying that?
:x Again, you are putting words in my mouth. I never said that I don't like diagramming. I will diagram when I have the time. Since I am planning to diagram my work, I don't want other people to diagram my work. Of course they can make notes or diagrams for themself to use, but I don't want them to share diagrams with others.
I feel I need to ask a question: how hard is it to make a video of you making the complete rose (steam and leaves as well) and then sending it to one of us- and we'll diagram for you and then send you back the diagrams to see if you approve and if you don't approve we will do it until you OK the diagrams. What do you have to lose phu? You have everything to gain. You get diagrams so you don't forget later on and also you will be making a big contribution origami as this rose will serve as a motivation for the beginners and to lure ppl in as well.
It is very hard when I don't own a video camera. Also making a complete rose normally take me two hours to do. A video to show you all the steps clearly will take 3 or 4 hours. I am not willing to waste my time for this. You will just have to wait.


Posted: August 4th, 2005, 7:42 am
by wolf
pnpurdue wrote:I mean, if we all keep saying, "just wait, just wait" then nothing will get done.
Right. That's why I listed three more options. Besides, there's two things you can wait for: diagrams, or finding someone who can teach you. Both have different probabilities of happening.
pnpurdue wrote:I mean even on this forum, we have many origami enthusiasts and how many know how to fold the rose??
There's only 400+ members on this forum. The number of people attending the OUSA convention alone is roughly of the same order. Remember that the model has only been around for a short time - folding information travels only as fast as conventions happen. E.g. finding someone to teach you the MRC was difficult in 1998-1999. These days, people don't even blink if you offer to teach them the MRC.

And the unexpected does happen - even if you can't attend a convention or meet other folders now, that might not be true in 5-10 years.

Posted: August 4th, 2005, 8:02 am
by hunprat
wolf wrote: Remember that the model has only been around for a short time - folding information travels only as fast as conventions happen.
Actually, I designed the roses several years ago, when I lived in France. I only begin to share the models with people when I move back here to Los Angeles. Didn't have any other people to do origami with when I was in France.

I have designed a new rose with new leaves about two weeks ago. I will show it at the next WCOG meeting. And maybe someone with a camera could take some pictures of the new rose so that I can share it with you guys here. It is sad, but I don't even own a camera.


New rose

Posted: August 15th, 2005, 8:10 am
by hunprat
Here is a picture of my new rose with the new leaves.


Posted: August 15th, 2005, 12:02 pm
by Friet

Posted: August 16th, 2005, 7:33 pm
by artur biernacki
I folded this rose from crease pattern! ... =1&id=1836 ... =1&id=1837

I folded last time Caribu 2.2 (Kamiya Satoshi) from crease pattern!

Best regards Artur Biernacki