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Hello from a new member

Posted: April 15th, 2004, 1:04 pm
by elf
Hello, everyone!

I'm very new to the whole internet thing, so please be patient if I mess something up.

I enjoy origami and tatting; right now, I'm back in an origami phase. I've been trying new forms (Lucky Stars and Crane Eggs from strips, various roses - my favorite is the one on the jongienara site, and some block origami - i finally finished a mini-swan kit from I work for a non-profit agency that operates residential sites for individuals with developmental disabilities; we also run an inclusionary summer camp for kids with or without disabilities.

I've been trying to find the diagrams for the Magic Rose Cube by Valerie Vann; I tried the Doodle listings, but I can't find the diagrams. I would very much appreciate some help with what I'm doing wrong. I'd like to get the diagrams to be able to make MRCs for incentives/prizes for our annual Move for Life program, which starts may 16th.

Sorry if I rambled,


Posted: April 15th, 2004, 3:50 pm
by saj
Hi there,

They would have been at

I've tried doing a search for them at Google, but alas I failed. When I have time this evening, I'll try to find them somewhere on my computer.

Welcome to the board!


Posted: April 15th, 2004, 4:01 pm
by elf
Thank you very much!

I must admit, I "lurked" around for a bit before I reigistered; this is one terrific site! It's the best one I've found for ease-of-use and quality and quantity of information.

Looking forward to learning even more,


Posted: April 15th, 2004, 4:23 pm
by saj
Thank you very much, we try our best :-)



Posted: April 15th, 2004, 10:08 pm
by erasorhed
Hi there! Welcome to the board. I am also a newbie. Quite recently, I discovered a solution to the Magic Rose Cube problem, as I haven't been able to find any diagrams myself. I don't want to step on anyone's toes and tell you how I was able to figure it out, as it looks like Saj is already going to be finding the diagram for you.

However, since you haven't done it before, I think I should tell you that you will need double-sided color paper (unless the finished models will be, well, "blank"), otherwise you will be seeing a lot of the blank side. Also, if you like doing Kusudamas, have you seen the "Platonic Roses" model? You would need 30 pieces of paper to make that model (an icosahedron). It's really beautiful, but like I said, if you don't have duo-paper, it looks half-blank...

Anyway, let me know if you indeed find the diagram for the MRC, if not, I will throw one together in MS Pain - I mean PAINT - for you. (^ ^)

I also just diagrammed something original, which I call the Blossom Sonobe. If you check the last pages of my gallery (there's a link below, in my sig) you will see pictures of it, and the diagram (which I'm uploading right now).

Again, welcome to the board! Keep folding!

Posted: April 15th, 2004, 11:28 pm
by saj
Hi there,

Unfortunately I couldn't find the diagrams, but I am sure I have them as a hard copy somewhere! If I find them, I'll scan them and email them to you.

In the meantime, if anyone else has the diagrams, maybe they could help elf?


Posted: April 15th, 2004, 11:42 pm
by erasorhed
::raises hand::
"I'm all up ons."
/Strong Bad

(I believe I just said something to the effect of "I will make a diagram for you.")

Posted: April 16th, 2004, 1:18 am
by erasorhed

Posted: April 16th, 2004, 1:23 pm
by elf
Thank you so much and, if I may, Wow! What a great gallery!

Your wedding bouquet looks stunning. And I can hardly wait to try the Blossom Sonobe; I'm gonna try to stay focused on the MRC first, though (but it's gonna be hard). Looks like my weekend is booked!

I have another question (gee, I hope I'm not becoming too much of a pest)--do I make all six units the same? I thought I remembered reading something, somewhere, about "leaf" units and "petal" units. I was hoping to be able to do them with regular copypaper, green (big surprise) for the leaves and yellow or pink or whatever for the petals; we already have colered copypaper here, so I wouldn't have to spend any money (our budget is a tad tight), just my time.

Trying not to wear out my welcome too quickly,


Posted: April 16th, 2004, 1:26 pm
by wolf
Lori, if you can drop by Ithaca, I can lend you the LaFosse MRC video....

Posted: April 16th, 2004, 4:11 pm
by erasorhed
Hello again, elf!
Thanks for the compliment on my site! I do believe you've just made my day :D

I've looked at photos of MRC and I'm sad now because I thought I had it figured out, but now I don't know. It appears that the Leaf units are indeed different (and I'm embarrassed that I didn't notice just how different). Let me see if I can figure that one out today, and if I do, I will update here again. :)
I may need to make another diagram, if that's the case... but that shouldn't take me longer than an hour or so.

Posted: April 19th, 2004, 1:12 am
by stuckie27
I have some diagrams for the cube, Pm me.

Posted: April 19th, 2004, 2:59 pm
by elf
Thank you all very much!

You've been very helpful, and I can't wait to get busy folding! I'll need about 30 or so MRCs, and I'm planning to make Display Stands from Rick Beech's The Origami Handbook (assuming I can work out how to print on the modules so I can add names, mileage walked, and "Move for Life 2004").

I hope all of the folks participating in the Move for Life appreciate these as much as I appreciate all your assistance.

Again, thank you all, and I hope someday I can help as much as I've been helped.


P.S. I'll be sure to let Santa know how good you've all been! :D

Posted: April 22nd, 2005, 1:52 am
by cybermystic
Erasor, that is a VERY nice gallery! Your wedding bouquet is absolutely gorgeous. I can believe that nobody could tell that the flowers were kawasaki roses, they were so well done. I wonder, did you actually throw it for luck?

Elf, just out of curiosity, by "tatting", do you mean the act of making lace, or the act of inking skin?