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Looking for: Trouble-wit diagrams

Posted: April 10th, 2009, 12:40 pm
by nonkelgans
On the risk of asking the obvious I would like to know if there are any good diagrams for making a Trouble-wit. I've only seen some old photographs of it and some finished models but never a diagram how to make one. Anybody?

Posted: April 10th, 2009, 2:30 pm
by origami_8
There are diagrams in the book "Origami Complete" by Eric Kenneway.
Basically you take a large rectangle. On the long side leaf a little gap in the middle (about 1cm or so) and fold the two sides into thirds (one valley and one mountain fold on each side). Then fold the short side mountain-valley-mountain-... like an accordion.

Posted: April 10th, 2009, 4:52 pm
by Brimstone
Let me chime in and tell you my troublewit story. One day I started folding corrugations and came up with some models. I uploaded some of them to my Flickr Album and got some comments about them where Philip Chapman Bell told me that it was a model from the Troublewit. I had never heard of it before so I did some research while I kept finding more and more models on my own.

When I had the chance I bought two books but as you said they just show the finished models not the way to do them. I haven't folded any of them apart from the ones thst I had discovered on my own. These models are not difficult, most you just see them and you easily figure out how they are made.

The hat shown in the link shown by Anna is my model.

Here's a link to the models I did if you like one of them and want directions, just ask.

Posted: April 10th, 2009, 5:07 pm
by nonkelgans
origami_8 wrote:There are diagrams in the book "Origami Complete" by Eric Kenneway.
yeah, I have that book in German but frankly it doesn't really contain diagrams of it, just finished trouble-wits and how to make some figures.

Posted: April 10th, 2009, 6:56 pm
by origami_8
Frankly, I have the German version of the book myself and it does include the diagrams. I folded the model several times and it really is only what I described above. What more do you need?
The diagram is on page 175. The following two pages describe how to manipulate it to get some different figures including Mushroom, candy, hat,...

Posted: April 11th, 2009, 11:45 am
by nonkelgans
Ah yes, now I see! I must have overseen that page, that's why it made no sense for me. Many thanx!!

I like this book very much, it was one of my first origami books (bought it for 5euro in a book outlet store) and while it's in German I really enjoyed it. It's a little bit hard to read (German is not my mother tongue) but very informative.