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I'm from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Posted: November 18th, 2013, 7:15 pm
by Rick Nordal
Hi all ! I have been folding paper since 1991. Inventing origami games and puzzles are my main interest. I have a website that shows all of my origami inventions. The website can be viewed at: My favorite folding paper is photocopy paper. My favorite origami model is the Jumping Frog ! Regards, Rick Nordal

Re: I'm from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Posted: November 19th, 2013, 2:52 pm
by Razzmatazz
A fellow Canadian!

Welcome to the origami forum! Cool blog too!

Re: I'm from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Posted: November 27th, 2013, 8:10 am
by al-black
And another Canadian. Rick did you get to the Canadian Origami Convention when it was in Vancouver?
