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Hi every1 a warm hello from Holland :)

Posted: March 15th, 2014, 9:15 pm
by izzy
Hello Every1,

I've been reading this forum now and then. And finally I thought why not register :).
Im from the Netherlands and am 30 years old/young.

I recently started with Origami. I never really looked into it but last valentines day I was in South France (Nice) at my girlfriends house, where I will move soon too. And normally i dont really bother with Valentines day. I think all days should or can be a day to show ur love to your beloved one.

Anyways, I was thinking what can I do INSTEAD of just buying flowers. My girlfriend is very creative in all sorts of art so I though lets see if i can make something creative for valentine.....

I checked the internet and I came across a Origami instruction site. I knew it... Ill make flower of paper. Normally every1 knows Origami from when we were younglings :) So i started of with a normal Lilly wich is actually not the easiest to start with. I remember I was thinking: "what the heck is a petal fold " :) I kept checking and learning and eventually made a whole basket full of flower..
From that moment I liked It so much that i wanted to fold more. The next one was the spider. Pretty hard at that time. Luckyly there are some amazing youtube videos with explanations.

Once I finished the spider i wanted more and more and more......made my own tissuefoil etc...
So far I Made: a scorpion, 2 fiery dragons, the Cobra of Kade Chan, a Bull of a german designer whom i forget his name., also kades werewolf and ryujin 1.2 in small, and the Phoenix of Kamiya Satoshi 3 times.

Now all these I fold from video. now I want to learn from Cp but its so hard so i hope i can find some people who can help me with this. :)

Sorry for the long story its not very inviting to read it all but im just very enthusiastic :P
Cheers cya around.

Re: Hi every1 a warm hello from Holland :)

Posted: March 15th, 2014, 9:38 pm
by GrossMichael
Welcome to the forum!