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Joseph White's new site

Posted: October 24th, 2005, 10:41 pm
by Joe the white
Hi all, I'm back :wink: , been busy with college and other things this past year. I've been using the community on DeviantArt to post my new works, and there is also a blog. Glad to be back :D .

Posted: October 25th, 2005, 7:43 am
by TheRealChris
wow, it's good to see you again... we missed you.
sit down, make yourself at home, and rest from your journey :)


Posted: May 19th, 2006, 5:08 am
by Joe the white
Back once again, haha. I was given a gift on my favorite MMORPG around World Origami Day, I'll have to post screen shots later.

I've noticed the origami world seems to have slowed down this past year or two and we've lost some good people. Hopefully I'll get some more inspiration and get to folding more again.

Just wanting to let anyone who cares to know, figured this would be as good a place as any to post it =p.

Edit: Here are some screen shots:

This is a picture of the first gift I recieved, an origami crane called Magic of Mistro, I recieved a stack of 999 and one other. After I made my wish I gave some out to my friends in the spirit of the day.

The second gift was my surname, Crane, seems fitting, eh? I had earned the title Origami Master last year when I designed some origami of some of their beloved monsters.

If there is still a list of origami sightings, this could probably be added to it.

Posted: May 27th, 2006, 2:06 pm
by origamifan
Wow it has been a long time,Joe! Your site is great! I remembered you saying that there's no one with the name Joseph W * except you and Mr.Joseph White who active in origami field,right ? :D
One of my Korean friend who does origami named Joseph Wong. :D

Posted: May 28th, 2006, 3:28 am
by Joe the white
Thanks :). I said there are alot of Joseph W's in origami. There is Wu, I think two Wongs, Wezorek, and a few others besides myself I can't remember off the top of my head. I tend to get confused with Mr. Wu often, which lead to discovering all the Joseph W's and why my name on here is Joe the White, also a pun related to the Lord of the Rings series :wink: .

Posted: May 28th, 2006, 3:01 pm
by Daydreamer
But.... where did your Avatar suitable to your name and the Lord of the Rings pun disappear to? :roll: