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[Australia] Sydney Origami Club, Meets Monthly in Chatswood

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 7:22 am
by spiritofcat
After I met a couple of other Sydney-siders down in Melbourne at Folding Australia 2009 I decided to form a little origami club in Sydney.

We've been meeting since the start of 2010 on more or less a monthly basis.
For most of that time there have only been four members including myself, but even with such a small group we still enjoy meeting up each month to show and tell what we've been folding and to discuss origami in general.

We're very happy to welcome any new members who'd like to attend.

The club is very informal, there are no registration forms or fees to pay, you just turn up.

We meet in the food court of The Mandarin Centre in Chatswood on one Saturday each month.
Times and dates are arranged via email from one month to the next depending on member availabilities.

The next meeting is planned for the 22nd of July. The time of day has not yet been decided but it's usually around midday or early afternoon.

If you're interested in attending, please send me a PM with your email address and I'll add you to our group email communications.

Re: [Australia] Sydney Origami Club, Meets Monthly in Chatsw

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 8:06 am
by the modern einstein
ummm, from our posts in the drawing gallery,what sort of stuff do you do? I'm interested, but not sure if I want to, or am able to attend.

Re: [Australia] Sydney Origami Club, Meets Monthly in Chatsw

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 8:50 am
by spiritofcat
Usually we just bring along whatever stuff we've folded recently so we can show off to each other, plus any new books we've recently bought.
Sometimes we have a go at folding something from a book that someone brought, or lend books to each other.
One of our members has a subscription to the BOS magazine, so he always brings the latest issues of that for us to have a look at too.

Generally it's just nice to meet up face to face with fellow folders and talk origami for an hour or two.

Re: [Australia] Sydney Origami Club, Meets Monthly in Chatsw

Posted: July 18th, 2012, 11:11 pm
by spiritofcat
Just a quick update for anyone who is interested.
We're meeting this Saturday (21st of July), at 3:30pm in the foodcourt of The Mandarin Centre in Chatswood.
If you want to attend, you're welcome to just show up and look for the people with origami stuff on their table, or you can PM me here on the forum and we can exchange contact details to make it a bit easier to find each other.