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UK Area Leeds England -- Folders

Posted: March 8th, 2013, 2:44 pm
by firtha12
Hello to everyone I wanting to know if there's any Folders or teachers that live in the UK area and that have courses/classes that teach people like Me how to understand CP's and how to make are own Complex Origami Models.

If there is anywhere that teaches origami in the UK area please let ME know.

It'd be much Appreciated.


Re: UK Area Leeds England -- Folders

Posted: March 9th, 2013, 12:31 pm
by chris_t
The best place to start is the British Origami Society. They hold origami meetings in various places around the country, the closest one to you would be Sheffield I think. There is one that I go to in Nottingham, but that might be a bit far for you. In my limited experience, there tends to be more interest in simple designs than complex ones, but there are plenty of knowledgeable origamists around, I'm sure some of them will be able to help you.