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Vietnamese First Origami Meeting

Posted: April 1st, 2005, 4:08 pm
by Hiba
Hello all
Origami is not popular in this country but recently I have stirred their life up by organizing an Oigami Group.
And here is our first Origami meeting,you can call it a small "convention"






Posted: April 1st, 2005, 11:53 pm
by wolf
Well done, it looks like there's a lot of interest. How many people did you get together, and where was this held?

Now, can a similar thing be done at the little red dot at the end of the Malaysian Peninsula? (Come on, I know there's a bunch of you Singaporeans lurking out there on this forum - speak up!).

Posted: April 2nd, 2005, 2:42 pm
by Hiba
It was very hard for me to organize this group in VN. Many people dont know what Origami is. So months ago I wandered from Forums to forums with just only one purpose: Introduce this art to Vietnamese.
(I joined over 30 forums just to present Origami)
then the time has come,I have organized an origami Group here.
So these days I have been very busy with my group. I receive about 5 mails everyday from people who want to join the group.
Thus I decided to hold a Meeting (which took me much time to take permission fronthe government culture part.Frustrating thing!!) in the last Sunday.
There were 5 people including me at the meeting including me. We had only 5 days to prepare and fold all stuffs.
The meeting took place in a primary school.

I'm going to hold another Meeting next month.

Very glad to make friend with Singaprean and Malaysian Origami group.

