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Joined: September 24th, 2016, 10:00 pm
Location: Warsaw, Poland


Post by mkosmul »

Hi everyone. I’m Michał Kosmulski from Warsaw, Poland.

I’ve been folding origami for about 25 years now, which is a large part of my life, but with varying intensity, including long periods of not folding anything at all.

Apart from a simple boat and other such models everyone learns to fold as a child, origami started for me with John Montroll’s Prehistoric Origami: Dinosaurs and Other Creatures. I was really into dinosaurs at that time so despite the models being relatively hard for a beginner, there was a lot of motivation in them for me and after some time I could fold all 20+ models by heart. I produced literally hundreds of these dinosaurs, using the more boring classes at school for folding under my desk (I was also able fold some models without looking, just by touch).

Then, when I went to college, I learned about modular origami, and soon switched to modular origami completely. Most of the time I used just a few simple units, but tried to invent new ways of connecting them into interesting shapes, including all sorts of fractals and other mathematical objects.

Two years ago, I became more active again thanks to attending a convention, the Outdoor Origami Meeting in Kraków (why I went there deserves a separate story) which got me interested in tessellations. But even more importantly, getting in touch with other folders showed to be very motivating, and the exchange of ideas very fruitful.

I’ve been posting pictures to my origami website (currently at since the early 2000’s, but since I started folding more, I rely most of all on flickr ( as my place for posting new stuff. You can also find me on Facebook (

While I design and fold mostly geometric designs, I appreciate figurative origami made by others, whether they be supercomplex or minimalistic models. For me, the beauty of origami lies, among other things, in the great variety of styles.
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Re: Intro

Post by Andre-4 »

Welcome !!!
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