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Question about the copyright in Origami

Posted: December 6th, 2004, 4:54 pm
by titan101
I asked the Korean copyright commission about the copyright in Origami some years ago. Well, they said:

a. There is no copyright in Origami creating process itself. Because the copyright is only given on the result, not the process. (If you want the right of process, get the license)

b. But the diagram or picture of Origami model has the copyright. So the Origami book has the right of publication.

c. If someone publish an origami book contains of other author's creations, it's legal when he make the new diagram and new picture by himself.

I really upset when I heard that answer. Then how about other countries? Is there the same answer from the copyright commission?

In fact, I'll start a new Origami creating club in Korea. I have to lift the veil of Origami copyright ... if other countries recognize the copyright of Origami creating process, I'll obtain it in Korea too.

And ... I have some plan of publishing 'The guide of Origami'. How can I contact other authors I want to introduce their models? (e.g. Rovert Neale, Kunihiko Kasahara, and so on) Which one do I contact the publishing company, or origami society, or the author?