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Goose - Alice Gray

Posted: June 11th, 2017, 10:10 am
by Folio
I'm sorry if this is stupid, but can anyone help me figure what the "Half a Bird Base" this fold begins from is? I tried various variations of the Bird Base but none of them fit the picture.

I'm using Robert Harbin Origmai 4 book. It's on page 51.

Re: Goose - Alice Gray

Posted: June 11th, 2017, 10:32 pm
by NeverCeaseToCrease
Nothing on this forum is stupid, Folio!
Basically, imagine you folded a regular bird base from a square. Then you unfolded it and cut it in half diagonally, then recollapsed one of the triangles.
Essentially, what you need to know is it starts with an isoceles right triangle instead of a square. I think you'd be able to figure it out.
Good luck!

Re: Goose - Alice Gray

Posted: June 12th, 2017, 7:48 am
by Folio
Yes, I figured it out in the end when I saw there was no way to get the fold from a whole square.
Thanks anyway.