Hi I'm new here, but a bit sad

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Hi I'm new here, but a bit sad

Post by FlowerGami »

Hi, my name is Stephanie, I am in my mid 30's, and am an origami entusest. I love Kusdama and modular folding in particular, here is a sample of some of my projects I have recently made:

I am not really really professional with my origami like a lot of folders that just amaze me are, but I really enjoy it, and aspire to improve.

One thing that did sadden me so much when I first joined here is that I was harshly "spoken" to by a Site Admin in one of the forum because I had posted two different questions which she said should have only been one. I really didn't intend to offend, and in retrospect maybe they could have been put in the one post, but I didn't know because I am new. I really don't know how the etiquette works here and hope it was just incidental and the welcome is not felt that way by all. (Some people don't know when they are being rude and some people are, and the people who just are, you just ignore them, and the ones who didn't know, you just hug them and move on with it, that's my wisdom for the day)

I hope to make friends, see some inspirational origami and learn some too.

Oh Yes, almost forgot... I first begain doing origami about 10 yrs ago, give or take. I love arts in general and so I went to the library (I'm a reader as well) and checked out some videos and books on origami, and there I was hooked. At first I learnt the basics, animals, heart and then found my favorite niche as I guess all people do. OK, think that it, unless I remember something else (maybe that's why I got "yelled at"). LOL!
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Post by gachepapier »

Don't sweat it, some people indeed have a "style" which is at odds with their intent, at best.

But this forum is certainly a place where you can learn a few things, I know I have. Make sure you do a minimum of searching before posting questions that might irk some people who've read too much like it and take it as a personal offence. Look around and have fun.
mes p'tits plis (now also in English)
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Post by oz »

Aw, don't worry about Anna, she's not really a mean person. She's just tired of cleaning up the forum after other people who don't search for an answer before posting. It's a bit of a shocking welcome into the forum, granted, but I'll bet you she wakes up this morning and holds zero grudges against you now that you know not to open up multiple topics. :)

So... welcome to the forum! Don't let one small incident hold you back; keep having fun! \:D/
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Post by DavidW »

On the plus side spam is zapped in like five seconds. Many forums don't respond fast. Some don't respond at all.
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Post by origami_8 »

Hello and welcome on board. I'm sorry if I was a little harsh on you but it wasn't meant in a bad way. Actually I was planning to make a video on those steps if you still don't know how to fold them until the weekend. I'm not sure if this is necessary any more since you already got additional help in form of step photos.

On this Forum, we try to keep all information about one subject in a single topic. This is especially helpful when someone else is having problems/wants information on the same subject, then he can find it easily with the search function without having to read through several topics.
Unfortunately our Forum software is very old, so merging of topics isn't possible (*sigh*).

Hope you have a good time here and find many new friends.
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Post by bethnor »

as a good rule of thumb when joining any forum, there are a couple of things to avoid trouble:

1. read any/all FAQs before posting. there are some forums that are actually so strict with this rule that if you don't obey they will ban you (they have ways of "screening" whether or not you read the FAQ--notably, for instance, the rose FAQ has such a screen).

2. lurk before posting. what that means is to go hang around without posting for awhile to get a "lay of the land." for instance, as a community, i think i speak for most people when i say we like helping people, but we also expect people to be patient with any/all help that is given. this is because making photos and videos are a time-consuming process; not to mention if requested help is on a difficult model, it takes time to actually reach the step in question. i definitely got that sense when i "lurked" before actively posting. so when makes one makes two posts on the same subject in one day, that seems to be a sign of impatience and you risk rubbing some people the wrong way. regardless, on most any forum, multiple posts on the same topic are considered a breach of netiquette--this is not a rule that is always written, but something one gets a "sense" of it you lurk.

a lot of these rules and such may seem harsh, but they exist with good reason. for instance, i only have to look at my watch before someone posts diagrams to the satoshi kamiya phoenix, it happens so regularly. both reading forum FAQs and lurking would avoid such postings 100% of the time. and a lot of these these topics are sore points, and by swooping by and restarting them without "getting a lay of the land," new posters can open old wounds unintentionally.
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