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Posted: January 13th, 2005, 5:08 pm
by shawn
Hello everyone. Anyone know where I can get a book or useful information on how Floderer does his stuff. I've seen a mushroom and a tree done by him, but I have yet to actually see any sort of diagram or how to. I can crumple paper.....just not in such an artistic way....anything would help

Posted: January 13th, 2005, 10:13 pm
by mleonard
Hi shawn. Welcome to the crazy world of crumpling...

Best place to start is probably here:

There's a video clip which shows the creation of the mushroom fairly clearly. Choice of paper is important - if you can't get hold of French butcher's paper, try tissue paper or even a paper napkin.

For some ideas about more complex crumpling techniques, check the O-List archives at There are a couple of excellent postings by Julia Palffy which really got me started in crumpling. (Try searching under "Floderer" or "crumpling").

The only book that I know of is the BOS publication "Sheets from a Notebook", but I believe that this is now out of print. If you're extremely lucky, you might be able to find a second-hand copy.

I would certainly urge you to try crumpling - once you get the basic idea, it opens up a whole new world of paper folding (well, it did for me, anyway). If you wanted, you could even have a go at my daffodil:

Posted: January 14th, 2005, 12:52 am
by Anonymous
What a great video that is. I may attempt to crumple some mushrooms of my own.

Posted: January 14th, 2005, 4:34 am
by shawn
wow, I checked out that video, had to wait until I got home from work...went to see White Noise (not very good by the way) and tried to fold Floderers mushroom.....I had no idea that it needed water....and come tomorrow morning I'll find out if Kraft paper is anything as good as this french butchers paper. Encouragingly enough, after seeing how he does it, the process dosen't so much seem one of extreme complexity, just one of getting the right kind of paper and experimenting how everything turns out......anyway I'm rambling so now I shall away.

Posted: January 14th, 2005, 4:35 am
by shawn
Oh yes....and thank you so much for the help on finding that. It was very useful.

Posted: February 25th, 2006, 12:12 am
by thut
Are there any other videos online of Floderer's creations

Posted: February 25th, 2006, 11:34 am
by thut
And I read about a "magic seed" made from cigarette paper that, when put in water forms a flower, can anyone make a video of this?

Posted: February 27th, 2006, 2:11 am
by Daydreamer
As a starting point for the "magic seed" you can read the following posting from the Origami mailing list: ... t&msgnr=23
And once you experimented with it you can make the video for us :wink:

Posted: March 17th, 2006, 11:02 am
by thut
I have managed to order a copy of "sheets from a notebook" from the BOS website :D it's not listed there, but it can be ordered

Posted: March 17th, 2006, 5:01 pm
by mleonard
Yeah, sorry, I meant to correct my posting above... I thought "Sheets from a Notebook" was out of print, but I saw it on display at the last BOS convention.

Posted: March 23rd, 2006, 1:46 am
by metranisome
Other then above is there anymore crumbling stuff? I havent been able to find anything exept pictures :(

Posted: March 23rd, 2006, 11:03 pm
by mleonard
There are some diagrams for my tree available on le forum du CRIMP:


Posted: March 24th, 2006, 2:32 am
by Friet
I just tried crumpling a piece of brown baking paper and I ended up with some weird cool looking thing that I'm now using to keep my pens and some tubes of glue in. Tomorrow I'll try crumpling a piece from a large roll of tracing paper I have lying around to see how that turns out.

crumpling rules!


Posted: May 20th, 2006, 7:16 pm
by EricGjerde
I received a great movie from Aldo Tolino of Vienna who demonstrated the method of making a simple crumpled shape. I didn't think it was so easy, but it is! and lots of fun.

I have my first example (made with a napkin!) posted to my blog, in case you're interested to see.

and, of course, you can see Aldo's demonstation on here:

-Eric Gjerde