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Posted: August 31st, 2008, 6:04 am
by origamimasterjared
Thanks, forum_acct!

JVega, I probably will release instructions in the near future. The eyes are different from Halle's. In my first attempt I used eyes like his, but then I opted to design my own eyes that are more appropriate for South Park characters. I have hand-drawn diagrams for them, which I will soon re-draw on the computer. I will also attempt to diagram the rest.

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 3:19 pm
by JVega
Nice!! Are you planning to publish them?

If you publish them in the Christmas book for the forum I'll need to design something, otherwise I could not get the diagrams for Towelie!! :cry:

Posted: December 3rd, 2008, 2:14 am
by origamimasterjared


18 cm high (to the tip of the middle finger), from a 35 cm square of mulberry paper back-coated to itself.

Click on him to read more.

Posted: January 17th, 2009, 11:05 am
by origamimasterjared
Hey y'all.

So I recently discovered some old, yet interesting pieces I've designed over the years, from what I believe were the first origami beetles with split claws to a couple of poker cards.

Check them out starting from here:

Posted: January 17th, 2009, 12:14 pm
by OrigamiGianluca
Beetles are not as "aged" as you say :)
On the contrary! :wink:

Posted: March 13th, 2009, 10:42 pm
by origamimasterjared
Tiresias Drinks of the Blood of Odysseus


Odysseus goes to the Underworld to confront the blind seer Tiresias. Tiresias is a shade in the underworld, and cannot talk to him unless he is in human form. Odysseus gives Tiresias a goblet of his blood to drink from. As he drinks the blood, he becomes human again, and he is able to speak to Odysseus.

In this piece I have tried to capture the transformation of Tiresias the shade. Here his head, arms, and torso are fully formed, while the rest of his body is still wispy and amorphous.

There actually is a full-detailed torso, but the goblet obscures it entirely.

Design time: one week
Paper preparation: one day
Folding time: about four hours.

Tiresias folded from a 12 inch square of back-coated gold tissue paper

Goblet folded from a 3 inch square of back-coated gold tissue paper.

Posted: March 16th, 2009, 1:59 pm
by InsomniacFolder
I like the inspiration and ideas here very much. Lyrical & original.

The goblet is very big though, it looks more like a trophy, flagon, or uncapped urn. Goblets as far as I remember are equivalent to fine drinking glasses.

The sinuousness of the bottom half of the figure is lovely & serpentine, but perhaps it could taper more.

Can we look forward to a whole series of vignettes from classical mythology (hope so!)?

Posted: March 16th, 2009, 10:46 pm
by origamimasterjared
Thank you for your comments, InsomniacFolder.

Chock it up to artistic interpretation. When I think goblet I think chalice. And when I think chalice I think "Stanley Cup." This was the exact size I had envisioned. And there was no way I could make it smaller. As it was I folded it from a square that was somewhat less than 3 inches on a side. It uses 32nd-pleating, in order to generate enough pleats to resemble a curved form. That means each pleat was less than 1/10 of an inch wide! The prototype actually looked better, as it was folded from larger paper and I was able to make it more detailed. It was a lot harder to fold the goblet than it was to fold the shade.

Yeah, it could taper more, but not by my doing it won't.

We'll see what else happens. It's all up to artistic vision and whatever strikes me as the thing to do. Or if I get a commission or something...;)

great models man!

Posted: June 8th, 2009, 10:10 pm
by petr-stuchly
i have to say i love your models!
the bear looks simply, but the neck fur and shape is great! one f my fave origmi bears!
also your refolded mamenchisaurus is an awesome model, the head seems to be saller and the tail has been refined - great model!
and i just recognized your diplocaulus has four fingers =P great touch!
(i am just curious - does he have five or four fingers? don't you know?)
and your towelie is an awesome model, though it isn't a design of m field, :) well done!
and your spider also has potential! it only needs some better shaping, at least the legs should be in a more nĂ¡tural pose, but you achieved mandibles! (well. chelicerae) great touch!
and your plesiosaurus is my favourite model of the subject, because of the excellently shaped body! well done!
keep up your good work!

Re: great models man!

Posted: June 9th, 2009, 5:03 am
by origamimasterjared
petr-stuchly wrote:i have to say i love your models!
the bear looks simply, but the neck fur and shape is great! one f my fave origmi bears!
Thanks Petr! It's my favorite too. And you can fold it yourself with the diagrams in Tanteidan 14.
also your refolded mamenchisaurus is an awesome model, the head seems to be saller and the tail has been refined - great model!
Thanks! It's funny. Originally I was just trying to see how long a neck I could get for a dinosaur. A couple of drafts later and I actually had a passable design. Then I added a head and folded it from properly sized paper and I actually had a really nice Mamenchisaurus.
and i just recognized your diplocaulus has four fingers =P great touch!
(i am just curious - does he have five or four fingers? don't you know?)
Well, I thought it had four toes on each foot, so that's what I did. Now I actually think it had four on the front feet and five on the back feet. It's hard to tell though, because I don't think any of the reconstructions are that
and your towelie is an awesome model, though it isn't a design of m field, :) well done!
Thanks! I love how it turned out. Took me a couple days of intense planning last summer to design it.
and your spider also has potential! it only needs some better shaping, at least the legs should be in a more nĂ¡tural pose, but you achieved mandibles! (well. chelicerae) great touch!
The paper I used was just too springy. I will probably end up folding it again, since I've folded at least four or five versions already, despite how not-fun and boring it is to fold (it's a spider--it comes with the territory).
and your plesiosaurus is my favourite model of the subject, because of the excellently shaped body! well done!
keep up your good work!
Thanks for the compliments Petr!!

Posted: June 9th, 2009, 5:46 am
by legionzilla
Hey, petr, didn't know you were in the forum!

Anyway, nice pieces, jared. I'm still wondering how I missed this page!
I especially like the cyclops for its belly plate- it really looks like a warrior!

Posted: August 24th, 2009, 2:09 am
by origamimasterjared
Bad news.

In June my harddrive fried, and I've been without a computer since then. I just got a new one. I lost just about everything from the past year. Most of it was not that important or was stuff I could re-download. Except for one (so far).

My Towelie diagrams. They are gone. I hadn't finished them, so I hadn't uploaded them anywhere or emailed them to anyone for testing or anything. I was hoping I might have print copies, but so far I haven't found any.

I had completed about 10 pages. I was planning on releasing them later this year, but that won't be happening, and I don't see myself redrawing the diagrams anytime soon. Or at all really.

I'm sorry about that.


Posted: August 24th, 2009, 4:26 am
by ftangdude55
Well, that's a dissapointment. Hopefully you can feel up to re-drawing them, although, if you don't, I don't blame you, as I know that diagramming is incredibly tedious sometimes.

Posted: August 24th, 2009, 3:15 pm
by legionzilla
You could ask someone to diagram them for you!!!

Posted: August 24th, 2009, 8:03 pm
by Jonnycakes
Any chance of at least a CP?