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Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 14th, 2013, 2:58 pm
by anermak
sr123ification wrote:My name isn't Dipak. It's my father's name. My name is Swapnil Das. :)
Oh, sorry!( I have corrected it !

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 14th, 2013, 3:17 pm
by Swapnil Das
It's OK, no need to apologize! :D

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 8:55 am
by loganorigami
Scotland is part of the uk, but you've put both of them seperately. Did you mean England when you said UK? Also good luck to everyone involved and thanks andrey for organising it :)

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 11:06 am
by anermak
loganorigami wrote:Scotland is part ...
Thanks for correction!


All tasks are sent to participants. Who did not not receive or have any questions about tasks - please contact me PM! May be problems with e-mail.
Good Luck!

Final participants list:

Code: Select all

			1. Jordan Langerak;
			2. Anna Kastlunger;
			3. Swapnil Das;

			4. Иванова Галина;
			5. Кукса Дмитрий;
			6. Наркевич Анастасия;
			7. MICHEL Christophe;
			8. Samy Leyssier;
			9. Kalin Svrakov;
			10. Filho Ferdinand;
			11. Guilherme Casagrande;
			12. Heitor Gondim;
			13. Renan Rezende de Melo;
			14. Alarie Vanessa;
			15. Alexis Degrugillier;
			16. Karine Sylvestre;
			17. Villeneuve Hubert;
			18. Lo Yu;
			19. Man Lam;
			20. PAN Hang;
			21. Jacky Chan;
		Czech Republic:
			22. Mirek Mrajca;

			23. Adrien Jamelot;
			24. Aude Morelle;
			25. Amandine GUERRA;
			26. ARNAUX Geoffroy;
			27. AUBRET Eve;
			28. Bettinelli Jean-Noël;
			29. Baudin Bruno;
			30. BIGUEURE Valérie;
			31. BODET Hervé;
			32. Boudias Christophe;
			33. BUISSON Pierre-André;
			34. Brossault Nicolas;
			35. Bruno CASANOVA;
			36. CONRATH Hervé;
			37. DAUZAT Aurélie;
			38. DAUZAT Aurélie;
			39. Duplan Marc;
			40. Fabrice Mouhartem;
			41. GARDIN Yannick;
			42. GOSSE Maxence;
			43. Jacotot Louis-Nicolas;
			44. LANDRE Claire; 
			45. LANDREIN Philippe;
			46. Léa Bonnefoy;
			47. LE PESSOT Stephane;
			48. Leitao Laurent;
			49. Lucas Jean-Michel;
			50. LUCAS Michel;
			51. Manoukian André;
			52. Marnat Luc;
			53. MULLER Hannelore;
			54. Neaud Benjamin;
			55. PAPAZOGLOU Emmanuelle;
			56. Raymonde Bonnefille;
			57. Quitterie Dumas;
			58. TRAMIS Olivier;
			59. Tudor Balan;
			60. Viviane Berty;
			61. Albrecht Elke;
			62. Alekseeva Anna;
			63. Bodo Haag;
			64. Brigitte Lindemann;
			65. Eckert Theresa; 
			66. Kober Jens;
			67. Kober Stefan;
			68. Kurth Alexander;
			69. Heike Schröder;
			70. Martin Rohrmann;
			71. Max Müller;
			72. Philipp Janto;
			73. Trowe Pamela;
			74. Stephanie von Treyer;
			75. Dimmis Petrides;
			76. C.Athreya;
			77. Himanshu Agrawal;
			78. Eyal Reuveni;
			79. Ynon Toledano;
			80. Alessandra Lamio;
			81. Beber Alessandro;
			82. Chiara Raffaelli;
			83. Davanzo Adriano;
			84. Gabriella Rom;
			85. Ем Станислав;
			86. Kang Hyun Seok;
			87. Mindaugas Cesnavicius;
			88. Андрей Георгийчук;
			89. Наталья Романенко;
			90. Joost Borst;
			91. Ryan Welsh;
		New Zealand:
			92. Sarah Hamzah;
			93. Blanka Pentela;
			94. Kowalski Damian;
			95. Michael Gross;
			96. Абидова Кристина;
			97. Алексеев Никита;
			98. Алёшина Галина;
			99. Афанасьев Леонид;
			100. Базарова Зигзима;
			101. Белозерова Ольга;
			102. Беридзе Дмитрий;
			103. Боталов Александр;
			104. Бутт Ольга;
			105. Быков Никита;
			106. Воробьев Михаил;
			107. Гладилина Екатерина;
			108. Гребенцов Алексей;
			109. Дементьев Иван;	
			110. Дроздов Станислав;
			111. Егоров Андрей;
			112. Жмутин Михаил;
			113. Зайцев Максим;
			114. Зайцев Максим;
			115. Закроев Семен;
			116. Зорина Елена;
			117. Клевцов Тимур;
			118. Копейкин Геннадий;
			119. Крупников Александр;
			120. Куприянов Николай;
			121. Миронов Юрий;
			122. Молчанов Василий;
			123. Панева Екатерина;
			124. Папшев Владислав;
			125. Папшев Владимир;
			126. Пахотинских Вадим;
			127. Поддубный Александр;
			128. Подкопаев Александр;
			129. Салтанюк Артем;
			130. Самойлова Людмила;
			131. Сергунин Павел;
			132. Скопин Константин;
			133. Смирнова Мария; 
			134. Снитко Евгений;
			135. Соболев Андрей;
			136. Соболев Сергей;
			137. Соколов Павел;
			138. Тарасова Галина;
			139. Тимс Георгий;
			140. Трофимов Алексей;
			141. Филиппов Андрей;
			142. Хайдуров Булат;
			143. Хижняк Виктор;
			144. Худышкин Андрей;
			145. Чекалкин Серафим;
			146. Чеканин Максим;
			147. Шаинян Мелик;
			148. Щуров Игорь;
			149. Яровой Павел;

		San Marino:
			150. Leonardo Felici;

			151. Severova Dasa;
		South Africa:
			152. KABUYA Renaix;
			153. Hong Wei CHANG;
			154. Joelyn Koh;

			155. Bermejo Daniel;
			156. Castellanos Fernando;
			157. Martinez Enrique;
			159. Guillermo García;
			160. Jordi Adell;
			161. Jorge Gracia;
			162. Olivella Pere;
			163. Perdomo Francisco;
			164. Ramon Thomas;
			165. Santiago Mielgo;
			166. Samuel Adolfsson;
			167. Fabiana Sanapanya;
			168. Akgul Serkan;
			169. Arman Orman;
			170. Atilla Yurtkul;
			171. Yusuf Türkmen;
			172. Seda ALTAY;
			173. Vedat çelik;
			174. Ben Lewis;
			175. Brown Malachi;
			176. Deng Lisa;
			177. Derik Davis;
			178. Dyszkiewicz Wojtek;
			179. Eamon McCandless;
			180. Elvis Dang;
			181. Fugate Curtis;
			182. Jake Schenthal;
			183. Gieseking Rebecca;
			184. Hanrahan Kyle; 
			185. Hudson Andrew;
			186. LAYTON LUKE;
			187. Malachi Voss;
			188. Mason Deming;
			189. Matthew DiSalvo;
			190. Sneider Robert;
			191. Thompson Marc;
			192. Xudong Guan;
			 193. Berry Richard;
			 194. Harry Gaskin;
			 195. Logan Waddell;
			 196. Michael Trew;
			 197. Monaghan Emily;
			 198. Snizzbut;
			199. Гуменюк Марія;
			200. Зарубин Алексей;
			201. Марченко Сергей;
			202. Маслова Алина; 
			203. Никита Оксаc;
			204. Нищименко Тарас;
			205. Пожилова Владлена;
			206. Прач Иван;
			207. Степанюченко Оксана;
			208. Ющенко Александр;
			209. Anh Nguyễn Quang;
			210. Duy Binh Le;
			211. Dang Viet Tan;
			212. Nam Son Nguyễn;
			213. Nguyễn Văn Thiệu;
			214. Nhâm văn Sơn;
			215. Quy Bao Ha;
			216. Tran Trung Hieu;
			217. Thanh Tùng Nguyễn

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 11:46 am
by Kyle2952
Do we send pictures of all models in one email, or as seperate tasks?

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 11:50 am
by anermak
Kyle2952 wrote:Do we send pictures of all models in one email, or as seperate tasks?
Only one message (all photo in one archive < 10 MB) !!!
Please read the RULES - page 4

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 3:59 pm
by greencube07
On rule number one, it says that any type of paper is allowed. But on the first pages of each tasks,it has the paper size and the g/m^, do I have to follow this numbers of the size and g/m^ ?Or is it optional?

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 4:40 pm
by Multislash
greencube07 wrote:On rule number one, it says that any type of paper is allowed. But on the first pages of each tasks,it has the paper size and the g/m^, do I have to follow this numbers of the size and g/m^ ?Or is it optional?
It is optional, and it will give you rough information of the paper that could be effective to be used for the model.

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 4:43 pm
by Swapnil Das
Can I post two models?

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 4:52 pm
by Benlewisorigami
Wow! This looks like it's gonna be a ton of fun! Good luck everyone!!

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 5:19 pm
by chesscuber98
Good Luck to everyone! Thanks to Andrey for such precise and brilliant organisation.

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 15th, 2013, 7:04 pm
by chtikechtakelaguelak
diagram booklet received 8)

gambatte kudasaï !!!

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 16th, 2013, 10:18 pm
by Benlewisorigami
Hey guys! I'm pretty sure some of you guys have done this in the years past, but I was wondering if we are able to post the pictures of the finished model anywhere during the competition. I mean like if I fold a model, and want to post a picture of it on flickr, am I allowed to while the competition is still going on or wait until it's over to post it. Thanks in advance!

P.S. I did see in the rules that it says "only pictures not previously published before the competition are allowed" , but that doesnt really answer my question.


Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 16th, 2013, 11:05 pm
by Kyle2952
Look at rule #6 in the book Ben ;)

Re: III International Origami Internet-Olympiad

Posted: October 16th, 2013, 11:15 pm
by Benlewisorigami
I did. And that's what the "PS" was for. It's still not clear though. That could mean previously folded models. I'm just curious..