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Please I need help with an icosahedron

Posted: July 3rd, 2006, 4:09 pm
by cookingfortwo
Hello, my name is Juliana Barberi, I'm from Colombia South America. I visited this site and I found it really useful and well designed.There is one called Paolo Bascetta's Stellated Dodecahedron . It says in spanish is made with the module "tornillo" (I don't know the name in english) I've made the 30 modules and joined 3 together, but I can't assembly the 10 units. Could you please help me with this?
Thank you very much!
Sorry about my english

Spanish version.
Mi nombre es Juliana Barberi, soy de Colombia y tengo 24 años. He intentado hacer el icosaedro estrellado con el modulo tornillo, pero no logro ensamblarlo. Es decir, ya tengo los treinta modulos, los uní de 3 en 3 formando 10 unidades, pero no se cómo unirlas. Será que me podrían ayudar un poco.? EL diagrama del modulo figura en la página bajo el nombre de Paolo Bascetta's Stellated Dodecahedron
Muchas Gracias
Juliana Barberi

Posted: July 3rd, 2006, 4:46 pm
by Brimstone
Hi Juliana, wow another Colombian on the forum beware!

In Colombia you can find the book "Practiquemos el Origami" in almost any library. Check issue No. 3 and that 20 point star is diagrammed there.

Posted: July 3rd, 2006, 4:48 pm
by Aleburzyn
Ok, first in spanish (sorry folks, I´m from Argentina :) ) :
Cada modulo es basicamente un rombo con dos aletas, una arriba y otra abajo, lo que hay que hacer es doblar el rombo a la mitad y armar una punta distinta con cada mitad y otros dos modulos . Para armar el modelo tenes que juntar tres modulos y obtener una punta, de esta punta tienen que salir tres medios/modulos, tomas dos modulos mas y los usas para armar otra punta con uno de los medios/módulos de la punta anterior, y asi sucesivamente.


Now in english: each unit is a rombus with two flaps, you have to fold this rombus in half and use each half to form a point with another two modules (each). To join the model correctly first you have to joint three modules in a single point with three half-modules in the sides, then take two another modules and you use them whith one of the half-modules in the previous point to form a new one, continue these way.

Posted: July 4th, 2006, 2:02 am
by Aznman
Hmm.....that was kinda confusing.... :)

Here are some pictures on how to asemble one point. Joining that point to the next one is the same.
here is the link to the pictures. ... pg&.src=ph
Just click the "next" button to see the next photo....obvious.

if you need aby more help, I will probably be able to post more pictures.

Posted: July 4th, 2006, 2:05 am
by Aznman
OOPS, I did not read exactly what you wanted.....sorry, I will post come pictures on assembling the spikes together.
Although, assempbling one point to another is exactly the same as assembling the point. You just put one flap into the pocket, get oen more model, do the same, and you should have made another point.

Posted: July 4th, 2006, 6:11 pm
by Aznman
Ok, here they are. ... 47&.view=t

they are the first photos. hope that helps

Thank you

Posted: July 5th, 2006, 12:38 am
by cookingfortwo
thank you very much to all for your help.
My mistake was that I joined all of the 30 modules in groups of 3. and then tried to get the 10 units together.
It has to be done one by one.

thank you very much. I got my first stellated dodecahedron made!!!!!! :D :P I'm very happy.