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Help with Lang's Cerberus

Posted: January 3rd, 2006, 3:08 am
by Brimstone
I am trying to fold Lang's cerberus from Origami Sourcebook and I am stuck at step 15. I tried "tucking underneath" as when you hide the small central flap on a birdbase but this does not seem to work for in further steps I do not get what they show.

Don't bother critizising the quality of the diagrams on this book I've already cursed them enough.

Posted: April 24th, 2006, 1:36 pm
by Daydreamer
I know that it's a bit late for an answer to this topic, but I only got this book recently so that I can try to help now :-)

This step is very similar to when you have a finished frogbase and then tuck the small triangular flap inside the model. It's easiest to do if you fold the corner to the right as far as it will go, open the model and start by mountain folding this corner underneath. Then continue collapsing the model along exisiting creases.

An important thing to note: The prefolding in Step 14 is on a different crease than the crease you use in step 15. In Step 14 you fold the corner down to the line of the petal-fold of step 13.

Posted: April 25th, 2006, 12:23 am
by Brimstone
I had totally forgotten about this model. Thanks to the reminder ofo this (one clear advantage over any mailing list).

Right now I am away from home for a week. When I get back I'll try to find my work in progress and finish it. I perfectly understand the frog base analogy thanks for that.

Posted: June 27th, 2006, 3:39 am
by Lux Aeterna
For some reason the left half of my model isn't collapsing right in steps 21-27. The right half (heads/front legs) is working fine. The problem is coming from the fact that when I make the 3 valley folds in step 22, the diagram for 23 shows some white space between the newly created top flap and the leftmost edge of the paper, but my top flap extends all the way to the edge of the model.

I can post pictures in case that isn't clear, but I think the problem is that I'm not sure where the reference points are for the past few steps. Any help?