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Not exactly new...

Posted: October 7th, 2012, 8:23 pm
by Mars
Well, as you all may notice, my join date is from 2008. However, I did take a leave for...about three years you could say. Was not until earlier this year that I was reflecting on what I did when I was little, and no shocker, one of those hobbies included origami, which of course was the prime reason for joining this forum. Though, I had piqued interest in finding this forum again, and even though this site was top result on Google, I thought this was the wrong one! I see the layout is very different from the last time I was here, it consisted of a red-pattern like background (what happened to that background?), a rather unique look for a forum! So mistakenly, I thought I lost my childhood website forever because I forgot the name! Until today now, I decided to see if my login information worked here, and to my surprise, it did! I do not really have much recollection of what I did here, plus the only member I can remember is origami_8, and I can see why #-o
All in all, I have not really done much origami over the past few years, the only complex model I mastered was a 3-D rose, which surprisingly, I can still fold from memory. I also see the activity is here is pretty, meager to say the least. I would LOVE to get back into it, but sadly, I do not have the time to indulge myself in it much anymore.
Any who, I just had to satisfy my lust to find this site again, for nostalgic reasons, and to say a huge thank you to the community for sharing my interest with origami with you all!

PS- this is far-fetched, but do any of you remember me?

Re: Not exactly new...

Posted: October 8th, 2012, 4:52 pm
by Joe the white
Welcome back! I do miss the red and white "hawaiian" type skin the forums used to have, but it could be hard on the eyes. I've been mostly lurking the past few years, popping in and out to make a comment, but I've been hanging around lately since I've dedicated more time to origami (and freed up my video game based distractions). Its good to see an old member pop back in at any rate :).

Re: Not exactly new...

Posted: October 17th, 2012, 1:28 pm
by anasshad
I really like the theme of this forum. Its light and beautiful.

Re: Not exactly new...

Posted: October 17th, 2012, 5:20 pm
by origami_8
Yeah, sure I remember you. I remember almost all members with more than 50 posts, although I have been kinda inactive on the Forum during the last two years. Sorry if you have ill memories of me. I've heard that I sometimes sound very mean on the Forum, but I assure you it isn't meant bad.
The change of the Forum style has to do with our software update from phpBB2 to phpBB3, where we unfortunately couldn't take the old styles along. It has several other benefits though.

Re: Not exactly new...

Posted: October 26th, 2012, 3:28 am
by Mars
origami_8 wrote:Yeah, sure I remember you. I remember almost all members with more than 50 posts, although I have been kinda inactive on the Forum during the last two years. Sorry if you have ill memories of me. I've heard that I sometimes sound very mean on the Forum, but I assure you it isn't meant bad.
The change of the Forum style has to do with our software update from phpBB2 to phpBB3, where we unfortunately couldn't take the old styles along. It has several other benefits though.
Oh, I wasn't implying that at all! I meant I can see why I recognize you; mostly because you were one of the moderators (or was in fact an Admin back then too?) here, thus because of that title, I would remember a member of your status!
I also remember being in the IRC chat where I asked you for some general tips on how to fold CP's (at the time though, I was a 6th grader and CP's were probably well above my skill level, even with some tips/advice). So honestly, I don't recall you being mean, I thought you were friendly!
And that would make sense, in regard to the update. Glad to hear it was worth it though!
I applaud this community for still surviving all these years! =D>