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Howdy from Texas

Posted: March 31st, 2011, 1:10 pm
by FoldThisBox
Hi to fellow folders,
I am Brad Tompkins, living in the Dallas area. I have been a life-long folder (since 1975 anyway), and I primarily fold boxes! After searching the internet and all the books I could find, I have accumulated quite a collection of diagrams of boxes and containers. In 2008 I started diagramming my own creations, and hope to publish them sometime in the future! You can see some of them on my site

I really enjoy teaching workshops to newbies and experienced folders. I even got to teach a workshop of one of my boxes at the USA Origami Society annual convention. Enough about me, let's interact!

Re: Howdy from Texas

Posted: April 1st, 2011, 9:17 pm
by LeafPiece
Hello and welcome. Your boxes are really cool!