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my new website

Posted: November 10th, 2003, 3:52 am
by stuckie27
it is very naked right now, I havent worked on the design much at all but it put it on the web none the less.

its at


Posted: November 10th, 2003, 5:29 am
Good start!
It's better than some of my previous websites...

Posted: November 10th, 2003, 5:30 pm
by thevoid
its simple and clear - if you use a norm, it could look very professional ;)
a good start i think

Posted: November 10th, 2003, 5:37 pm
by stuckie27
no, I will come up with somting better, I just wanted to get somthing out on the web.

Posted: November 10th, 2003, 7:12 pm
by saj
Hi Paul,

Well done, the site is looking great! Where's that nice logo gone now? Just a few things;

1) Having looked at the code, some of your image src tags are locating files on your hardrive!

It's a great start, really like the colour scheme (always been a blue guy myself :wink:

I really like the bits in the Gallery, very impressive folding!

I am working on a syndication feature script, that allows people to display the last 10 posts to this origami forum on their sites. You'll have noticed it in use in my Origami page. It uses plain javascript. Feel free to use it your site.

Le me know if you need any help,


Posted: November 10th, 2003, 10:00 pm
by stuckie27
yea, I usually just code my websites, but I am trying to understand dreamweaver.

I was thinking about doing some stuff with javasrcipt on the page where an image rollover changes a different image too, but I'm not entirely sure if I would like to do that. It will be one of my weekend projects.

I want to put discriptions in my galley, backround about the model ect, I also want to do book reviews and such i just need to come up with a good format to display it all in.

It will be a work in progress.

Posted: November 10th, 2003, 11:42 pm
by saj
Yes I often use Dreamweaver(MX) to code my site, its excellent. If you need help using it, PM me.

Multiple rollovers are entirely possible, check the dreamweaver tutorials for 'Disjointed rollovers'. Also, check the behaviours panel for the swap image behaviour. This is used to make rollovers.

Depending on your version of dreamweaver, you may also visit the macromedia exchange and download extensions that can do a lot of effects/ tasks for you. I am sure there is a Web Gallery script there.

I have added the javascript needed to make the dynamic 'Last 10 posts' in my Origami page. Just paste it as it is in the <body> area to display it on your site.
