
The nitty and gritty about

The website is hosted on a (gs) server at Media Temple, and is programmed primarily in HTML5, CSS3 and PHP utilising several MySQL databases. It makes extensive use of the jQuery javascript library. The main text of the site is set in Lato, courtesy of Google Fonts.

The site is made possible due to the generosity of several open-source projects, to whom I am eternally grateful; TextPattern for content management and phpBB for the Origami Forum. For any further specific information, feel free to contact me, or just have a look at the source.

Software used in local development

Origami Forum

The Origami Forum currently has 9,750 registered users, who have contributed 135,461 posts over 10,246 threads. We welcome our newest member, MikeAndreas1.

New & Refreshed

This is the 8th incarnation of my personal website. I've had a web presence since developing my very first website in 2000. Learn more about the site on the: