Please consider making a donation to help keep the forum and site ad-free
The Origami Forum is a completely voluntary effort, run and maintained by me and my enthusiastic team of moderators. Developing and maintaining the forum and website costs real money. If you have found the forum or the website useful, you're welcome to make a donation of any amount, using PayPal (please note that PayPal will process your donation in £GBP) or by sending a gift through my Amazon wishlist.
Any donations received will primarily be used towards the cost of hosting the website ($500 anually), as well as paying for any excess bandwidth usage. Thank you.
About the site
- 4,068,746 pageviews from 2,165,924 unique visitors in 2017
- Most visitors are participating in the Origami Forum or reviewing the iTunes Charts
- Site available with an uptime of 99.98% in the past year
- ZERO ads, pop-ups or other commercial activities (and let's keep it that way)